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Rm657,000 For MPI Press Night – Nst

Sponsorship for Malam Wartawan Malaysia 2016

Kerajaan Terus Sokong Bank Di Bawah DFI – Utusan Malaysia

Local Firms Encouraged To Register With Matrade – The Borneo Post

1MDB : Bank Loans Short Term Debt All Repaid – The Malaysian Reserve

1MDB Bayar Balik Lebih Awal Hutang RM2 Bilion – Berita Harian

1MDB All Bank And Short Term Debt Repaid – The Malay Mall

Ministry Malaysia Will Honour All Its Commitments – New Straits Times

1MDB Umumkan Penyelesaian Pembayaran Hutang RM7.25 Bilion – Utusan

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