EXIM Bank Leads Efforts to Foster Economic Ties Between Malaysia and Djibouti

9 October 2023

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 9 October 2023 – Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (“EXIM Bank”) announced today a country dialogue with Djibouti under the newly formed “Malaysia Global Connect” platform. The platform aims to foster dialogue, collaboration and knowledge sharing on critical topics shaping the world of international trade. The Malaysia-Djibouti talk included a briefing by the Director General of Djibouti National Investment Promotion Agency (NIPA), a talk by Chairman of Waafi Bank about business opportunities in Djibouti and a briefing by EXIM Bank’s Chief Business Officer on the Bank’s Trade Finance Solutions.  MATRADE presented the reality of doing business with Djibouti together with the engaging discussion with Malaysian participants by MATRADE. Attended by over 70 export-ready companies, this initiative underscores EXIM Bank’s commitment in facilitating international trade and economic growth. 

This initiative is a collaboration with Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) with the aim to strengthen Malaysia’s presence in international markets through targeted trade promotion activities, capacity building, and market access support. The collaboration leverages MATRADE’s extensive global network and EXIM Bank’s financial expertise to provide comprehensive support to Malaysian exporters and investors.

EXIM Bank President and Chief Executive Officer Arshad Ismail stated: “We are excited about the Malaysia – Djibouti Business Forum as it aligns perfectly with our mission to promote Malaysia’s trade interests globally. Africa, with its dynamic economies and emerging markets, presents an array of opportunities for Malaysian businesses. EXIM Bank is committed to assisting Malaysian enterprises in their quest for success in Djibouti and beyond.”

MATRADE Senior Director, Mr. Amran Yem stated: “Through this collaboration with MATRADE, we aim to provide holistic support to Malaysian exporters, enabling them to tap into new markets, establish international partnerships, and contribute to Malaysia’s economic growth is aligned with the agenda of National Trade Blueprint (NTBp).

EXIM Bank has consistently played a pivotal role in enhancing Malaysia’s global trade footprint. With a focus on fostering partnerships and supporting international trade ventures, the Bank has been instrumental in connecting Malaysian businesses with the world.

The country dialogue provides a briefing about the Malaysia – Djibouti Business Forum that is scheduled to take place in Djibouti on 29 to 30 November 2023. It will bring together key stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, and industry experts, to discuss strategies for enhancing bilateral trade relations and investment prospects. The forum will deliver a special address by Djibouti’s Minister of Economy and Finance, the Chamber of Commerce and also a presentation from the Ports and Free Zones Authority.

The Malaysia – Djibouti Business Forum is set to be a milestone event, showcasing MATRADE and EXIM Bank’s commitment to nurturing trade and economic relations between Malaysia and Djibouti. As Malaysia continues to expand its global footprint, EXIM Bank stands as a key facilitator, offering tailored financial solutions and comprehensive support to empower Malaysian businesses in their international endeavours.

Any companies interested to attend the Malaysia – Djibouti Business Forum in Djibouti from 29 to 30 November 2023, can register their interest with EXIM Bank Malaysia at https://forms.office.com/r/upRPv6EJjC.


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About EXIM Bank of Malaysia Berhad

The Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank) was incorporated on 29 August 1995 and is wholly-owned by the Government of Malaysia. The Bank has assisted a diverse range of Malaysian business in various sectors in their global ventures.  EXIM Bank takes pride in meeting its mandated role of stimulating and enhancing the competitiveness of Malaysian industries for exports and investments globally via the provisioning of internationally and domestically competitive banking and insurance products and advisory services. The Bank also offers Shariah-compliant financing and Takaful instruments. For more information, visit www.exim.com.my.

Azmin Hamzah
Head, Corporate Communications
Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad
T : +603 2601 2371
F : +603 2601 2469
E : azmin@exim.com.my
W : www.exim.com.my

Vino Nair
Assistant VP II, Corporate Communication
Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad
T : +603 2601 2383
F : +603 2601 2469
E : vinodhaninair@exim.com.my
W : www.exim.com.my

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