KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank) and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) join hands in bringing the Central Asia region to exporters via a business briefing and networking session.
Called the EXIM Bank & MASSA Business Briefing and Networking Luncheon, the session sees the participation of countries from the Central Asia region, namely Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The ambassadors attended and shared the market potential of their countries.
Over 70 exporters attended the briefing session to hear about the market opportunity of the RM 1747.5 billion Central Asian market, specifically in the agriculture, energy, infrastructure, health, information technology and tourism sectors.
“EXIM Bank is honoured to host the Ambassadors of the Central Asian region and exporters at the Bank for the business briefing session. This event serves as a platform for the embassies to share the economic potential of their respective countries with local exporters; and for the local businesspeople to learn, explore and gain entry to these markets,” said Arshad Ismail, President/Chief Executive Officer of EXIM Bank Malaysia.
Datuk Merlyn Kasimir, MASSA EXCO Member said: “Central Asia is fast emerging as a promising and strategically located market for businesses worldwide. The world is moving into a new era characterized by VUCA, ESG and IR4.0 and this is a new frontier for Malaysian businesses, presenting us opportunities to collaborate with other developing countries. The areas for business collaboration between Malaysia and Central Asia are many and remains to be tapped.”
On the back of the recent revised Budget 2023 and the introduction of the Exporters’ Development Incentive Scheme or “Skim Insentif Pemampanan Pengeksport” (SIP2), EXIM Bank is driven to help local entrepreneurs strengthen their businesses and achieve their cross-border aspirations.
Arshad hopes that the affordable funding rate the SIP2 scheme offers will encourage local entrepreneurs/exporters to explore new markets, such as the Central Asian region, for their products and services and increase their capability as an exporting company in the long term.