Page 83 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 83



            1.  In 2022, following are the key risk management priorities:

                 Areas                                    Details
                 a.  Establishment of new Risk Appetite Policy  New Policy document that defines the overall governance, types and
                                                          aggregate tolerance levels of risk that the Bank is willing to accept in
                                                          pursuit of its business objectives arising from the banking and insurance/
                                                          takaful  activities.  This  includes  communication  to  the  stakeholders,
                                                          monitoring and reporting requirements.
                 b.  Enhancement of the Credit Risk Ratings    Enhancement to the modelling documentation and governance for the
                    and MFRS 9 models – post validation   Expected Credit Loss computation and models.
                 c.  Comprehensive stress test assessment  As  the  comprehensive  stress  testing  is  a  continuous  process  and
                                                          assessment,  Risk Management Division  will strive for continuous
                                                          improvement on the stress test exercise moving forward by exploring
                                                          potential areas for enhancements as well as establishing linkage between
                                                          stress test to other risk tools and measurements such as ICT and risk
                                                          appetite metrics.

                 d.  Implementation of the Internal Capital   Effective capital management integrated with business plan and stress
                    Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)   test.
                 e.  Review of Credit Risk Policy (CRP) and   Further strengthening and improvement of the credit policies and
                    Credit Processes and Procedures (CP&P)  processes with relevant updates to the CRP and the CP&P.

            2.  Building a strong enterprise wide  risk team across Credit Risk, Market and Liquidity Risk, Capital Risk and  Shariah and
                Operational Risk. This includes:

                a.  Strengthening the risk governance structure and resolving CRR or regulatory issues
                b.  Enhancement of the scope for integrated testing and BCM exercises with the relevant and interdependent stakeholders.

                c.  Embark on the implementation of climate change and risk management practices- establishment of the Bank’s Climate
                   Change Task Force to kickstart the Bank’s Environmental, Social and Governance framework.

                d.  Effectiveness  of  key  operational  risk  controls  to  mitigate  operational  and  SNC  risks  across  the  Bank’s  business  and
                   operational functions.
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