and Services

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    Financial Guarantee

Secure Tomorrow, Guaranteed Today with our Financial Guarantee Solution.

We promise to pay a third party (Buyer/Seller) if our customer fails to meet a payment obligation.


Benefits from subscribing to our financial guarantee solution:

  • Boosts yours credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of the third party.
  • Reduces the financial risk for the third party, ensuring payment even if the customer defaults.
  • Simplifies and expedites business transactions by providing a secure payment assurance.

Types of financial guarantee available:

  • Tender / Bid Guarantee
  • Advance Payment Guarantee
  • Retention Money Guarantee
  • Warranty / Maintenance Guarantee

Available under Islamic and Conventional facility

Product Disclosure Sheet



Fees and Charges

Apply Now or reach us at +603-2601 2000.

Alternatively, you can send us an email for any inquiries.


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