About Us

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EXIM Bank supports the anti-corruption efforts of the Government and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission by strengthening its corporate governance and continuously inculcating good ethical business practices among its directors, employees, customers, vendors and other business associates in compliance with anti-corruption laws.

The Bank takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationship. In ensuring this, the Bank has introduced various initiatives as adequate measures to combat corruption and to safeguards the interest of the Bank, its shareholders and other stakeholders.

Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan

Committed to integrity and transparency, our Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan has been established to rigorously combat corruption and promote ethical practices throughout the Bank’s operations.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

EXIM Bank takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationship. EXIM Bank resolves to:

  • Uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption. Remain bound by the laws of Malaysia, including Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act (Amendment) 2018;
  • Commit to combating and preventing bribery and corruption and implementing an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS–ISO 37001:2016);
  • Undertake a periodic bribery and corruption risk assessment across its business to understand the risks it faces and ensure that it has adequate procedures in place to address those risks.

The Bank will deal with any instance of suspected bribery or corruption seriously. Any actual instance will result in disciplinary action against those involved, up to and including termination of employment or contract, and reporting of those persons to relevant regulatory and enforcement agencies.

EXIM Bank Directors and Employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly receiving or providing Gift(s) from/to a customer and/or any other External Parties for the Employees’ personal benefit or for the benefit of others, who are related to EXIM Bank’s Directors or Employees.

EXIM Bank’s Director’s and Employees are allowed to receive entertainment (strictly for meal only) from customer or any other external party on their capacity as the Bank’s representative(s) in handling business or establishing or maintaining good relationship for the benefit of the Bank.

To prevent violations of law and underscore the Bank’s commitment to ethical behaviour worldwide, the directors and employees are strictly prohibited from accepting gifts, entertainment or corporate hospitality given to influence a business decision or with an understanding that, in return, some desirable outcome may be expected.

As a responsible corporate citizen, EXIM Bank is committed to cultivating a strong relationship with the local communities in which we live and work by contributing to the well-being of the people, community, market place, environment and the nation. It is however important for the Bank that all donation, sponsorship and CSR are allowed by applicable laws and being conducted properly by upholding integrity principle and transparency.

Directors and employees shall not use the Bank’s funds and resources to make or offer monetary or in-kind political contributions to any political campaign, political party, political candidate or any of the director’s and employee’s affiliated organisations, unless otherwise authorised by the Bank’s board of directors.

The Integrity Pact implementation in the Bank’s tendering process is to enhance transparency in procurement and indirectly eradicate corrupt practices. The Integrity Pact comprises a set of declaration process by the Bank’s employees, procurement committee, as well as EXIM Bank vendors and suppliers involved in the tendering process.

The declaration provides that all individuals and organisations involved in the tendering process are prohibited to engage in any transaction relating to bribery and corruption. It also underlines the measure and consequences that should be taken in the event the Integrity Pact is breached.

EXIM Bank encourages openness and transparency in its commitment to the highest standard of integrity and accountability.

While vendors are independent entities from EXIM Bank, the business practices and actions of a vendor, when conducting business with or on behalf of the Company, may significantly affect and reflect our Bank. The Bank has established the standard conduct for its business relationships that reflect our shared values of efficiency, excellence, innovative and mutual respect. EXIM Bank expects vendors to share and embrace our commitment to regulatory compliance.

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    Risk Appetite Statement

The Bank shall undertake a holistic approach in discharging its developmental role, while ensuring the Bank is adequately capitalised, prudent in its risk management, in compliance with all regulatory requirements, as well as profitable, in order to remain sustainable, relevant and able to meet stakeholders’ expectations, including its shareholders, employees, customers, regulatory authorities and communities.

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    Client Charter
EXIM Bank pledges to protect clients through fair and honest treatment at every point of contact.
Specifically, we pledge the following:
  • Prompt Response
  •  Partners In Business
  •  Confidentiality
  •  Reliable & Quality Products and Services

We are committed to respond promptly to any queries pertaining to our banking and credit insurance products and services. We provide timely acknowledgement of correspondence and queries and we welcome any feedback for us to serve you better.

We consider our client as a business partner by sharing the vision and supporting the plan of our client. We provide equal opportunities to all qualified clients with our financing and developmental advisory services in facilitating Malaysian cross-border business ventures.

We respect our clients’ privacy and security of information. We maintain the latest security standards to ensure total confidentiality of our client’s accounts and information.

We are committed in providing reliable and quality financial products and services to our clients. Thus, our qualified and experienced staff shall ensure our business methodologies comply with the standards set by our regulators to meet your financial needs.


We are committed to complete the processing of our client’s application (subject to complete information) and the decision will be communicated to our client within the time-frame as stipulated below:


Cross Border Financing45 days
Trade Financing20 days
Medium/Long-Term Credit Takaful45 days
Short-Term Credit Takaful15 days
  • To facilitate our processing of our client’s application, please provide us with the required documents as listed in the Application Form.
  • The criteria for obtaining our products and services are outlined in the ProductDisclosure Sheet at www.exim.com.my.
  • Drawdown request that is complete and fulfils the terms and conditions would be effected within 7 days.
  • All applications for insurance claims would be processed immediately in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective Policy.
  • We are committed to provide our client’s loan/financing statements within 48 hours upon receipt of a duly authorised request.

All applications for insurance claims would be processed immediately in accordance to the terms and conditions of the respective Policy.

Note: Days referred to working days.


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