
  • line-element
    Buyer Financing

Special programme tailored for foreign government/buyers to purchase Malaysian goods and services. 

This programme is available under Islamic and Conventional products.

Financing Limit
  • As per approved limit by the Bank based on the credit assessment.
  • Purchase of Malaysian Goods and Services inclusive of construction and contract.
Financing Tenure
  • Term Financing-: maximum 5 years
  • Project Financing-: maximum 8 years
  • Revolving Credit-: maximum 1 year
  • Trade Instruments: maximum 180 days
  • Security acceptable by the Bank
  • Foreign commercial or sovereign buyer
  • Malaysian Supplier/Contractor (owned or controlled company)
  • Product must be Malaysia origin

Apply Now or reach us at +603-2601 2000.

Alternatively, you can send us an email for any inquiries.


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