Page 124 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 124


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          2.   significant accOUnting POlicies (cOnt’D.)

               2.4   Summary of significant accounting policies (cont’d.)
                    (m) Insurance Contract/Takaful Certificate Liabilities
                        These liabilities comprise premium/contribution liabilities and claims liabilities.

                        (i)  Premium/Contribution liabilities
                           For the purpose of disclosure in the financial statements, premium/contribution liabilities are classified as
                           deferred income.
                           Provision for premium/contribution liabilities  is the higher of the aggregate of the Unearned Premium/
                           Contribution Reserves (“UPR”/”UCR”) for all lines of business and the best estimate value of the Unexpired
                           Risk Reserves (“URR”), and a liability adequacy test with a provision of risk margin for adverse deviation.
                           Unearned premium/contribution reserves

                           UPR/UCR represents the portion of the premiums of insurance policies written that relate to the unexpired
                           periods of policies at the end of the financial year. In determining the UPR/UCR as at the reporting date,
                           the method that most accurately reflects the actual unearned premium is used as follows:
                             –  all  classes  of  business,  except  treaty,  using  time  apportionment  basis  over  the  period  of  the  risks,
                              after deducting commissions, not exceeding limits specified by Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”), that relate
                              to the unexpired periods of policies at the end of the financial year; and
                             –  all classes of treaty business with a deduction of commission; at the following bases:
                               (i)  1/8th method for quarterly statement
                               (ii)  1/24th method for monthly statement

                           UPR/UCR at the reporting date for both short-term policies and medium and long term policies are recognised
                           over the period of risk on a straight-line basis.

                           The movement in premium/contribution liabilities is released over the term of the policies and is recognised
                           in underwriting results as premium/contribution income.
                           Unexpired risk reserves

                           URR is the prospective estimate of the expected future payments arising from future events insured under
                           policies in force as at the valuation date and also includes allowance for the insurer’s expenses, including
                           overheads and cost of reinsurance/retakaful, expected to be incurred during the unexpired period in
                           administering these policies and settling the relevant claims, and expected future premium/contribution
                           refunds. At each reporting date, the Group and the Bank review the unexpired risk and a liability adequacy test
                           is performed by an independent actuarial firm.
                        (ii)  Claims liabilities

                           Claims liabilities are recognised when a claimable event occurs and/or the Group and the Bank are notified. The
                           amount of outstanding claims provision are based on the estimated ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not
                           settled at the end of the reporting period, whether reported or not, together with related claims handling costs
                           less other recoveries. Delays can be experienced in the notification and settlement of certain types of claims,
                           therefore, the ultimate cost of these claims cannot be known with certainty at the end of reporting period.
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