Page 132 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 132

130   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          2.    sIGNIFICANt ACCouNtING PoLICIes (cont’d.)
              2.4   Summary of significant accounting policies (cont’d.)

                    (w)  Insurance payables
                       Insurance payables are recognised when due and measured on initial recognition at fair value of the consideration
                       payable less directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are measured at amortised
                       cost using the effective yield method.
                    (x)  Claims expenses and commission expenses

                       General Insurance/Takaful Business
                       Claim expenses represent compensation paid or payable on behalf of the insured in relation to a specific loss
                       event that has occurred. They include claims, handling costs and settlement costs and arise from events that have
                       occurred up to the end of the reporting date even if they had not been reported to the Group and the Bank.
                       Commission Expenses and Acquisition Costs

                       (i)  General Insurance/Takaful Business

                           The gross cost of acquiring and renewing insurance policies net of income derived from ceding reinsurance
                           premiums is recognised as incurred and properly allocated to the periods on which it is probable they give rise
                           to income.

                    (y)  Expense liabilities
                       The expense liabilities of the shareholder’s find consist of expense liabilities of the general takaful fund which are
                       based on estimations performed by a qualified actuary. The expense liabilities are released over the term of the
                       takaful certificates and recognised in statement of profit or loss.
                       (i)  Expense liabilities of general takaful fund
                           Expenses liabilities in relation to the Group’s and the Bank’s general takaful business are reported as the higher
                           of the aggregate of the provision for unearned wakalah fees (“UWF”) and the unexpired expense reserves
                           (“UER”) and a Provision of Risk Margin for Adverse Deviation (“PRAD”), as prescribed by BNM.

                       (ii)   Provision for unearned wakalah fees
                           The UWF represents the portion of wakalah fee income allocated for expenses to be incurred in managing
                           general takaful certificated that relate to the unexpired periods of certificates at the end of reporting period.
                           The method used in computing UWF is consistent with method used to reflect the actual unearned contribution
                           reserves (“UCR”).

                       (iii)  Unexpired expense reserves
                           UER consists of the best estimate value of the unexpired expense reserves at the valuation date and a PRAD
                           as prescribed by BNM. The best estimate UER is determined based on the expected claims handling expenses
                           to be incurred as well as the expected expenses in maintaining certificated with unexpired risks. The method
                           used in computing UER is consistent with the calculation of unexpired risk reserves (“URR”).

                    (z)   Wakalah Fees
                       Wakalah fees represent fees charged by the shareholder’s fund to manage takaful certificates issued by the general
                       takaful fund under the principle of Wakalah and are recognised at a point of time as soon as the contributions to
                       which they relate can be reliably measured in accordance with the principles of Shariah.
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