Page 154 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 154

152   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                     total  rM’000  123,915   4,191  (3,796)  (10,501)  (1,704)  112,105  57,519   3,515  (9,598)  (471)  50,965  233  60,907

                   Work-in-  progress  rM’000   3,222    2,360    (3,796)     (939)   -    847     -     -   -    -     -    233    614

                                     1,522    -    (1,704)        1,615   (7,674)     (471)    9,246   -    2,514
                     Computers  rM’000   19,536    (7,594)    11,760    15,776

               Furniture,  electrical,  fittings and   equipment  rM’000  6,117    17   -     (1,324)   -    4,810    5,818    73    (1,281)    -    4,610    -    200

                   Motor   vehicles  rM’000  595     8    -    (75)    -    528   589    7    (75)    -     521   -    7

                 renovation  and   improvements  rM’000  29,788    210   -   -    -   29,998    25,597     1,094   -     -    26,691    -    3,307

                   Office   equipment  rM’000  1,657    74     -    (569)     -   1,162    1,489    66   (568)    -   987     -   175

                                    -    -   -    -               660     -     -   -
                     Building  land  rM’000  33,000    30,000    -    -    -     -     33,000    30,000   8,250     -    -     -   -   8,910    -    -    24,090    30,000

           ProPertY AND equIPMeNt  Freehold   rM’000  Group and Bank  At 1 January 2022    intangible assets    Asset written-off   At 31 December    Accumulated   depreciation  At 1 January 2022   Charged for the    Asset written-off    At 31 December    Impaired for the    Carrying amount  At 31 December

           17.                Cost  Additions    Transfer to    Disposals    2022    year    Disposals   2022    year    2022
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159