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94    eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            ShaRIah COmmITTEE’S REPORT

          shariah Management Department
          Being the Secretariat to the Shariah Committee of the Bank, SMD has the responsibility to provide the operational support for
          effective  functioning  of  the  Shariah  Committee,  including;  coordinating  communications  and  disseminating  information  among
          the Shariah Committee, the Board of Directors (“Board”) and its committees as well as senior management; performing in-depth
          research and studies on Shariah issues; providing day-to-day advice to relevant parties within the Bank on Shariah matters based on
          the rulings of the SAC and decisions or advice of the Shariah Committee; ensuring proper dissemination of decisions or advice of
          the Shariah Committee within the Bank and undertaking administrative and secretarial functions to support the Shariah Committee.

          Control Functions
          a.  shariah risk Management
             Shariah Risk Management (“SRM”) refers to a function that systematically identifies, measures, monitors and reports SNC risks in
            the operations, business, affairs and activities of the Bank.
             The management of SNC risk is executed through the three (3) lines of defence. The three (3) lines of defence are: First - the
            business units and functional lines; Second - Shariah Risk and Shariah Review; Third - Shariah Audit.
             During financial year 2022, the Bank has been continuously implementing robust control measures in managing its SNC risk in
            line with the risk appetite strategy and metrics as approved by the Board. For effective SRM function, the Governance, Risk,
            and Compliance (“GRC”) System is used to facilitate the Shariah risk profiling exercise, which includes the Risk and Control
            Self-Assessment (“RCSA”), Key Risk Indicator (“KRI”), Key Control Testing (“KCT”), and Loss Event Database (“LED”).

          b.  shariah review & shariah Audit
             In ensuring that the Bank’s Islamic business activities are conducted in conformity with the Shariah rules and in accordance with
            the regulatory requirements, the Bank’s Shariah Review has regularly assessed and evaluated the Bank’s business activities,
            product  features  and  service  offered  by  the  Bank  whilst  Shariah  Audit  provides  its  independent  assessment  and  assurance
            on  overall  effectiveness  of  Shariah  internal  control  system  to  ensure  compliance  of  the  Bank’s  operations,  business,  affairs,
            and activities with Shariah.

             During the year, Shariah Committee has assessed the work carried out by Shariah reviewer and provide insights from Shariah
            perspective  to  the  Shariah  auditor.  Their  reports  were  deliberated  in  the  Shariah  Committee  meeting,  where  the  findings
            become the basis for the Shariah Committee to form an opinion on its compliance with Shariah rules and principles, Shariah
            guidelines and rulings issued by the SAC of Bank Negara Malaysia as well as Shariah decisions and resolutions made by the
            Shariah Committee.

          shariah training and Awareness
          In year 2022, a total of 94 staff had attended various external/internal Islamic finance and Shariah related training programmes
          and  seminars  in  ensuring  that  the  staff  are  continuously  equipped  with  Shariah  knowledge  and  awareness  in  line  with  BNM’s
          Shariah Governance spirit.
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