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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        99

            InDEPEnDEnT auDITORS’ REPORT
            to the members of Export-Import Bank of malaysia Berhad
            (Incorporated in malaysia)

            Key audit matters (cont’d.)

             Risk area and rationale                              Our response

             Valuation of derivatives and hedge accounting
             The carrying amount and nature of the Group’s and the Bank’s   We  engaged  our  valuation  and  financial  risk  management
             derivative financial instruments are as disclosed in Note 11 to   professionals  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of
             the financial statements.                            International Standard on Auditing 620: Reliance on the Work
                                                                  of an Auditors’ Expert  to  assist  us  in  performing  our  audit
             Fair  valuation  of  the  derivatives  involves  assessment  and   procedures  on  the  review  of  valuation  of  derivatives  and
             assumptions  that  are  affected  by  expected  future  market   application  of  hedge  accounting.  Our  audit  focused  on  the
             and  economic  conditions,  and  the  use  of  observable  and   following key areas:
             unobservable inputs and parameters in the financial markets,
             and  these  assessments  require  the  application  of  significant  (a)  reviewed the critical terms of the derivative contracts;
             judgement and estimates.
                                                                  (b)  tested  the  reasonableness  of  the  assumptions  adopted
             The  Group  and  the  Bank  also  use  derivatives  to  manage   in  the  valuation  of  derivatives,  including  assessing  if
             exposures to interest rates, profit rates and foreign currencies.   the inputs and parameters used were observable in the
             Accordingly, the Group and the Bank apply hedge accounting   financial markets;
             for  hedges  which  meet  specified  criteria  required  under     (c)  performed independent valuation of selected derivatives
             MFRS 9 Financial Instruments.                            and  compared  our  valuation  to  those  performed  by
             Refer  to  summary  of  significant  accounting  policies  in
             Note  2.4(f)(vi)  and  the  disclosures  of  derivatives  valuation  (d)  reviewed  the  risk  management  strategies  and  basis  of
             and hedge accounting application in Note 11 to the financial   the economic hedges applied by the management; and
                                                                  (e)  reviewed  the  hedge  effectiveness  determined  and
                                                                      documented  by  the  management  for  the  purpose  of
                                                                      applying hedge accounting. We also considered whether
                                                                      the disclosures in
                                                                  We  also  considered  whether  the  disclosures  in  relation  to
                                                                  derivatives  and  hedge  accounting  comply  with  the  relevant
                                                                  disclosure requirements.

             Insurance contract/Takaful certificate and expense liabilities

             Insurance  contract  and  Takaful  certificate  liabilities  (which  We  engaged  our  Actuarial  Services  professionals  in
             comprise premium/contribution liabilities and claims liabilities)  accordance with the requirements of International Standard on
             and  expense  liabilities  are  determined  based  on  previous  Auditing 620: Reliance on the Work of an Auditors’ Expert to
             claims  experience,  existing  knowledge  of  events,  the  terms  assist us in performing our audit procedures on the provision
             and  conditions  of  the  relevant  Insurance  policies  or  Takaful  for  the  insurance  contract/takaful  certificate  and  expenses
             certificates.                                        liabilities. Our audit focused on the following key areas:
             Estimates  of  insurance  contract/Takaful  certificate  and  (a)  understood   and   documented   the   qualifications,

             expense  liabilities  have  to  be  made  for  both  the  expected   objectivity and independence of the Appointed Actuary
             ultimate  cost  of  claims  reported  at  the  reporting  date,  and   tasked with estimating these liabilities;
             for the expected ultimate cost of claims incurred but not yet
             reported  (“IBNR”)  at  the  reporting  date.  The  estimation  of     (b)  tested  the  completeness  and  sufficiency  or  accuracy  of
             the  provision  for  these  liabilities  are  sensitive  to  various     data used in the actuarial valuation;
             factors and uncertainties.
                                                                  (c)  compared  the  actuarial  valuation  methodologies  and
                                                                      assumptions  against  recognised  actuarial  practices,  and
                                                                      with industry data;
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