Page 105 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        103

            ConSoLidated Statement of

            as at 31 December 2022

                                                                                                    2022        2021
                                                                                      Note        rM’000      rM’000
            Cash and bank balances                                                     4          28,986       49,513
            Deposits and placements with banks
            and other financial institutions                                           5        2,794,741    3,126,776
            Financial investments at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”)       6           9,979           -
            Financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”)    7    277,270    613,625
            Financial investments at amortised cost                                    8         377,925      494,014
            Loans, advances and financing                                              9        3,017,644    3,301,561
            Insurance receivables                                                      10              -          45
            Derivative financial instruments                                           11         15,887       80,463
            Other assets                                                               12          73,076      74,374
            Deferred tax assets                                                        13               -          -
            Investment properties                                                      15            796         814
            Intangible assets                                                          16           4,255       1,211
            Property and equipment                                                     17         60,907       66,396
            Right-of-use assets                                                        18          3,686        5,007
            total assets                                                                        6,665,152    7,813,799

            Borrowings                                                                 19       4,522,842    5,781,695
            Lease liabilities                                                          20          3,797        5,090
            Insurance payables                                                         10            115          295
            Other payables and accruals                                                21        311,028      262,883
            Provision for commitments and contingencies                                22         45,974       64,876
            Derivative financial instruments                                           11        183,904         999
            Deferred tax liabilities                                                   13              -           -
            Deferred income                                                            23         22,716       29,396
            Provision for guarantee and claims                                         24         38,326       43,051
            total liabilities                                                                   5,128,702    6,188,285

            Financed by:
            Share capital                                                             25 (a)    2,708,665    2,708,665
            Redeemable convertible cumulative preference shares (“RCCPS”)            25 (b)      250,000      250,000
            Fair value adjustment reserve                                                         (21,224)     (11,280)
            Accumulated losses                                                                 (1,396,123)    (1,313,281)
            shareholders’ funds                                                                 1,541,318    1,634,104

            takaful participants fund                                                  46          (4,868)      (8,590)

            total liabilities, shareholders’ fund and takaful participants fund                 6,665,152    7,813,799

            Commitments and contingencies                                              41       1,228,999    1,858,862

            The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.
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