Page 110 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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108   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            STATEmENT OF

            CASH FLOWS
            For the year ended 31 December 2022

                                                                            Group                     Bank
                                                                        2022         2021        2022        2021
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000

          Cash flows from operating activities
          (Loss)/Profit before taxation                               (66,477)     51,107      (66,477)     51,107
          Adjustments for:
            ECL Stage 3 loans, advances and financing (Note 34)
             - Charged for the year                                  383,721      153,796     383,721      153,796
             - Writeback during the year                             (428,550)   (356,178)    (428,550)   (356,178)
           ECL Stage 1 and 2 loans, advances and financing (Note 34)
             - (Writeback)/Allowances during the year                (271,083)     99,141     (271,083)     99,141
           Allowance for ECL on financial investments (Note 36)      126,025        3,145     126,025        3,145
           Writeback for ECL on commitment and contingencies (Note 35)   (20,426)   (19,754)   (20,426)    (19,754)
           Allowances for ECL on other assets (Note 37)                   23            -          23            -
           Claim and guarantee
             - Writeback during the year                               (4,275)     (7,945)      (4,275)     (7,945)
             - Property and equipment                                  3,515        3,043       3,515        3,043
             - Investment properties                                      18          18           18          18
             - Right of use assets                                     1,396        1,184       1,396        1,184
           Amortisation of intangible assets                             964        1,086         964        1,086
           Loss on disposal of equipment                                  19           2           19           2
           Asset written-off                                           1,758        4,462       1,758        4,462
           Overprovision of assets written off                         (2,451)          -       (2,451)          -
           Unrealised foreign exchange loss                           68,098      102,854      68,098      102,854
           Unrealised loss on derivatives                            250,438       66,511     250,438       66,511
           Unrealised gain on MTN/Sukuk                              (203,872)   (106,648)    (203,872)   (106,648)
           (Writeback)/Additional doubtful debt for insurance           (393)        166         (393)        166
           Amortisation of premium less accretion of discount          (1,569)     (1,587)      (1,569)     (1,587)
           Premium liabilities                                          (693)        (956)       (693)        (956)
          Operating (loss)/gain before changes in working capital      (163,814)   (6,553)    (163,814)     (6,553)
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