Page 107 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 107

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        105

            STATEmENT OF

            PROFIT OR LOSS
            For the year ended 31 December 2022

                                                                               Group                     Bank
                                                             Note          2022        2021         2022        2021
                                                                         rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
            Operating revenue                                 26        228,126      174,705      228,126     174,705

            Interest income                                   27        184,353      137,949     184,353      137,949
            Interest expense                                  28         (97,017)    (101,310)    (97,017)    (101,310)
            Net interest income                                          87,336       36,639      87,336       36,639
            Underwriting results                              29          5,729        4,769       5,729        4,769
            Income from Islamic business                      46          74,496     119,508      74,496      119,508
            Other (losses)/income                             30         (53,907)      4,533      (53,907)      4,533
            Net income                                                  113,654      165,449     113,654      165,449
            Overhead expenses                                 31         (79,664)    (83,844)     (79,664)    (83,844)
            Operating profit                                             33,990       81,605      33,990       81,605
            Writeback/(Allowances) for expected credit losses (“ECL”)
              on loans, advances and financing                34          5,155       (47,107)     5,155       (47,107)
            Writeback for ECL on commitment and contingencies    35      20,426       19,754      20,426       19,754
            Allowances for ECL on financial investments       36        (126,025)     (3,145)    (126,025)     (3,145)
            Allowances for ECL on other assets                37            (23)           -         (23)           -
            (Loss)/Profit before taxation                                (66,477)     51,107      (66,477)     51,107
            Taxation                                          38              -            -           -            -
            Net (loss)/profit for the year                               (66,477)     51,107      (66,477)     51,107

            Basic (loss)/earnings per share (sen)             39           (2.45)       1.89        (2.45)       1.89

            The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.
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