Page 68 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 68
66 A Vision to Serve Empowering Growth Management Discussion and Analysis
The Board of Directors (Board) of Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank or the Bank) strives to uphold the principles
and best practices of corporate governance that are transpired into the following key points:
01 Commitment to Corporate Governance 02 Focus on transparency and Integrity
The Board is committed to adhering to the The Board emphasises on transparency,
principles and best practices of corporate accountability, responsibility and integrity in its
governance as outlined by the Bank Negara decision-making processes. These values are crucial
Malaysia’s (BNM) Corporate Governance Policy for building trust and ensuring the long-term
Document (CGPD) and other relevant legislative growth and sustainability of the Bank.
and regulatory provisions.
03 Strategic Intent 04 Delegation of Authority
The Board recognises the Board Charter as an The Board delegates certain functions to its Board
important governance tool and a guiding document Committees, which comprises members of the
that outlines the Board’s strategic intent, sets the Board through clearly defined Terms of References
tone from the top and outlined the roles, powers so as to assist the Board in the execution of its
and responsibilities of the Board, Board Committees duties and responsibilities. The Board retains full
and the Senior Management. accountability and responsibility for the actions
and decisions made by the Board Committees.
This ensures that oversight and control mechanisms
are in place even when responsibilities are
05 Legal and Regulatory Compliance
The Board Charter takes into account the roles, powers, fiduciary duties and functions as vested in Development Financial
Institutions Act 2002 (DFIA 2002), Companies Act 2016, and the Constitution of the Bank. It also aligns with other primary
legislative and regulatory provisions applicable to the Bank. The Board Charter also incorporates principles and best
practices of corporate governance advocated under BNM CGPD and the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance
(the Code). This ensures the Bank’s operation are in line with the industry standards and regulatory expectations.
Overall, the statement underscores the Board’s commitment to robust Corporate Governance Practices, Legal and Regulatory
Compliance, and Ethical Conducts in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities to its shareholders and stakeholders.