Page 71 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 69
The current Directors are as follows:
1. Dato’ Charon Wardini Mokhzani (Chairman) 4. Raymond Fam Chye Soon 2
2. Datuk Bahria Mohd Tamil 5. Dr. Mastura Abdul Karim 3
3. Dato’ Sandra Wong Lee Yun 6. Hasli Hashim 4
The following Directors had served and ceased to be directors in the Financial Year 2023:
1. Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin Muhamed 3. Datuk Dr. Syed Muhammad Syed Abdul Kadir 7
2. Dato’ Azman Mahmud (former Chairman) 4. Pauline Teh @ Pauline Teh Abdullah 8
Separation of Roles of the Chairman and the President/Chief Executive Officer
The Board aims to ensure an appropriate balance of roles, responsibility, authority and accountability between the Chairman
and the P/CEO with a clear division of responsibilities between the running of the Board and the Bank’s operations respectively.
The positions of Chairman and P/CEO are held by different individuals with distinct roles and responsibilities to advocate governance
and transparency, while providing effective check and balance.
1 Appointed with effect from 4 January 2024. 4 Appointed with effect from 1 December 2023. 7 Term ended on 15 July 2023.
2 Appointed with effect from 15 February 2023. 5 Resigned on 3 June 2023. 8 Term ended on 15 November 2023.
3 Appointed with effect from 3 June 2023. 6 Term ended on 30 September 2023.
The process and criteria for appointment and reappointment of Directors are governed under specific policies and guidelines
set forth by regulatory bodies, such as the Garis Panduan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Lantikan Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan),
BNM’s Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria, as well as the Bank’s Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria and Policy on the Appointment/
Reappointment of Chairman, Directors and P/CEO.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) plays a crucial role in the nomination and selection process of potential
candidates and tasked to oversee various matters as delegated by the Board, in relations to the Board, Board Committees,
Shariah Committee, P/CEO and Senior Management in respect of:
Appointment and Performance Remuneration
reappointment, evaluation and Fit and proper policy and
Board Committees development assessment remuneration
compositions packages
The NRC screens qualified candidates for Directors and members of Board Committees based on their skills, core competencies,
experience and commitment to effectively discharge their roles to fill any gaps in the present Board’s skills and expertise.
Subsequently, the NRC recommends the appointments for the Board’s approval prior to the submission to BNM for verification and
finally to MOF for the final approval. The appointment and reappointment tenure shall be for a term of two (2) years with maximum
service tenure of six (6) years.