Page 101 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 101

Section 06  Financial Statements

            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (cont’d.)

            FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                                                                               Group                     Bank
                                                                           2020        2019         2020        2019
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

            Cash flows from financing activities
            Net repayment of borrowings                                 (813,187)    (2,200,527)    (813,187)    (2,200,527)
            Net repayment of lease liabilities                             (305)        (301)       (305)        (301)
            Net cash used in financing activities                       (813,492)    (2,200,828)    (813,492)    (2,200,828)

            Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   253,341    1,420,179     253,341    1,420,179
            Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year         2,954,587    1,534,408    2,954,587    1,534,408
            Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year               3,207,928    2,954,587    3,207,928    2,954,587

            Cash and cash equivalents comprise the
              following balances:
            Cash and bank balances                                      122,399       62,593     122,399       62,593
            Deposits and placements with banks and other
              financial institutions                                   3,364,099    3,047,168    3,364,099    3,047,168
            Less : Deposits and placements on behalf of
                    customers and government (Note 5)                   (130,369)    (130,174)    (130,369)    (130,174)
            Less : Deposits and placements more than
                    three months                                        (148,201)    (25,000)    (148,201)    (25,000)
            Cash and cash equivalents                                  3,207,928    2,954,587    3,207,928   2,954,587

            The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.
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