Page 99 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 99

Section 06  Financial Statements


            FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                                                                               Group                     Bank
                                                                           2020        2019         2020        2019
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

            Cash flows from operating activities
            Profit/(loss) before taxation                                51,150     (478,250)     51,150     (478,250)
            Adjustments for:
              ECL Stage 3 loans, advances and financing (Note 32)
                - Charged for the year                                  178,706      896,040     178,706      896,040
                - Written back during the year                          (520,790)    (313,174)    (520,790)    (313,174)
              ECL Stage 1 and 2 loans, advances and financing (Note 32)
                - Allowances/(written back) during the year             175,654      (16,732)    175,654       (16,732)
              Allowance on financial investments (Note 34)               42,584       (10,321)    42,584      (10,321)
              Allowance on commitment and contingencies (Note 33)         2,833       64,947       2,833       64,947
              Allowances for other assets (Note 35)                         624            -         624            -
              Claim and guarantee
                - Charged for the year                                    4,023       37,899       4,023       37,899
                - Written back during the year                             (925)        378          (925)        378
                - Property and equipment                                  4,445        4,616       4,445        4,616
                - Investment properties                                      18          18           18          18
                - Right of use assets                                       247         237          247         237
              Amortisation of intangible assets                           1,643        2,333       1,643        2,333
              Gain on disposal of equipment                                 (39)         (27)         (39)        (27)
              Gain on termination of lease contracts                          8            -           8            -
              Asset written-off                                                -      (3,353)           -       (3,353)
              Unrealised foreign exchange gain                            (5,576)    (444,964)     (5,576)    (444,964)
              Unrealised gain on derivatives                            (104,350)    (107,809)   (104,350)    (107,809)
              Unrealised loss on MTN/Sukuk                               40,429       88,628      40,429       88,628
              Additional doubtful debt for insurance                        122         197          122         197
              Amortisation of premium less accretion of discount          (1,527)      (1,478)     (1,527)      (1,478)
              Premium liabilities                                         (3,680)      3,009       (3,680)      3,009
            Operating loss before changes in working capital            (134,401)    (277,806)    (134,401)    (277,806)
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104