Page 225 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 225

Section 06  Financial Statements

                 Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December
                 2020 (cont’d.)

                 (q)  Liquidity risk management (cont’d.)
                    The following tables show the contractual undiscounted cash flow payable for non-derivatives financial liabilities.
                    The financial liabilities in the tables below do not agree to the balances in the statement of financial position as the
                    tables incorporate all contractual cash flows, on an undiscounted basis, relating to both principal and interest payments.
                    The maturity profile does not necessarily reflect behavioural cash flows.
                                                         On    Less than    3 to 12      1 to 5    Over 5
                    Islamic business                demand     3 months    months        years      years       Total
                                                     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000

                    Derivative financial instruments       -          -           -          -           -          -
                    Non-derivative financial liabilities
                    Borrowings                             -    642,361           -    1,476,650         -    2,119,011
                    Other liabilities              1,809,590          -           -          -          -    1,809,590

                    Total financial liabilities    1,809,590     642,361          -    1,476,650         -    3,928,601
                    Commitments and contingencies
                    Banking operation commitments
                    Contracted but not provided for:
                      Guarantee facility              20,460           -          -          -          -      20,460
                      Letter of credit                  198            -          -          -           -       198
                      Undrawn loans and financing          -    531,680     353,102     63,733     87,106    1,035,621
                                                      20,658    531,680     353,102     63,733     87,106    1,056,279

                    Insurance operation commitments
                    Contracted but not provided for:
                      Within one year                      -          -     454,725          -          -     454,725
                      One year or later and no later
                         than five years                   -          -           -    168,714           -    168,714

                                                           -          -     454,725    168,714          -     623,439
                    Total commitments and
                       contingencies                  20,658    531,680     807,827    232,447      87,106   1,679,718
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