Page 85 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 85

Section 06  Financial Statements


                                    IN THE NAME OF ALLAH , THE BENEFICENT, THE MOST MERCIFUL

            All Praise is due to Allah, the Cherisher of the World, and the Peace and Blessing be upon the Prophet of Allah, on his Family and
            all his Companions.

                                                                             and “Salam Sejahtera”

            To the shareholders, customers and stakeholders of Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (“EXIM Bank or the Bank”):
            In carrying out the roles and responsibilities as EXIM Bank’s Shariah Committee (“the Committee”) as prescribed in the Bank’s
            Shariah Committee Charter and Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) Shariah Governance Policy Document (“SGPD”), we hereby submit
            the following report in respect of Shariah compliant business activities of EXIM Bank for the financial year ended 31 December 2020.
            Management’s Responsibility

            The Management of the Bank shall at all times be responsible for ensuring that the Bank’s aims and operations, business affairs and
            activities in relation to its Islamic banking and takaful businesses are conducted in accordance with Shariah.

            The Committee’s Responsibility
            The Committee shall be responsible to form an independent opinion, based on our review of the aims and operations, business,
            affairs and activities in relation to the Islamic financial business of the Bank and to produce this report. Our responsibility is to express
            an opinion on the state of Shariah compliance of the Bank based on our deliberation of the evidences information obtained from the
            Board and the Management during the reporting period.

            1.  The Committee had conducted twelve (12) meetings during the financial year to review and approve various new and enhancement
               to the Bank’s Islamic banking and takaful products and its operational processes as well as guidelines and manuals relating to
               Shariah compliant transactions. We confirmed that we have reviewed the applicability and appropriateness of Shariah principles
               and the Shariah contracts adopted relating to the new and enhanced products, transactions and operational processes of Islamic
               banking and takaful activities of EXIM Bank for the period from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020.

            2.  The Committee has provided appropriate advice on various aspects of the Bank’s Islamic business operations in order to ensure
               compliance with applicable Shariah principles as well as the relevant resolutions and rulings made by the Shariah Advisory Council
               of Bank Negara Malaysia.

            3.  In performing our roles and responsibilities, we had obtained the information and explanations which we considered necessary
               in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the Bank has complied with Shariah guidelines
               and rulings issued by the Shariah Advisory of Bank Negara Malaysia.

            4.  The Committee has assessed the work carried out by Shariah review. The report has been presented and deliberated in the
               Committee meeting, which the findings be the basis for the Committee to form an opinion on its compliance with Shariah rules
               and principles, Shariah guidelines and rulings issued by the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia as well as Shariah
               decisions and resolutions made by the Committee.

            5.  The Committee has played a pivotal role in supporting the implementation of the Bank’s strategic plan to be an Islamic
               financial institution.
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