Page 170 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 170


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          30.   DirectOrs’ fees anD remUneratiOn (cOnt’D.)

                                                                        Salary       Fees    Emoluments       Total
                                                                       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000

               Group and Bank
               Executive Director:
                Dato’ Shahrul Nazri bin Abdul Rahim            876           -           -          131       1,007
                                                               876           -          -           131       1,007

               Non-Executive Directors:
                 Dato’ Feizal Mustapha @ Feizal bin Mustapha      -        216          -            36        252
                 Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed                 -         129           -            -        129
                 Datuk Bahria binti Mohd Tamil                    -        118           -            -        118
                 Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad Syed Abdul Kadir         -          63           -            -         63
                 Dato’ Wong Lee Yun                              -          61          -             -         61
                 Wong Yoke Nyen                                   -         73          -             -         73
                 Prem Kumar A/L Shambunath Kirparam              -          71          -             -         71
                 Mohammad Fadzlan bin Abdul Samad                -          47           -            -         47
                 Hijah Arifakh binti Othman                      -         103          -             -        103
                 Dato’ Dzulkifli bin Mahmud                      -          24           -            -         24
                 Azizan bin Ahmad                                -         118           -            -        118
                                                                 -       1,023          -            36       1,059

               Total Directors’ remuneration
                (excluding benefits in-kind)                   876       1,023           -          167       2,066

          31.   key management PersOnnel cOmPensatiOn

               Key management personnel comprise person having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the
               activities of the entity either directly or indirectly. It comprises the President/Chief Executive Officer and senior management of
               the Group and of the Bank.
               The key management personnel compensation is as follows:
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

               Salaries and other short-term benefits                                            4,189        3,584
               Defined contribution plan (“EPF”)                                                   635         531
               Benefits-in-kind                                                                    55           66
               Termination/end of contract compensation                                            353           -
                                                                                                 5,232        4,181

               Included in the total key management personnel is:
               Executive Director’s remuneration (Note 30)                                         886        1,007
   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175