Page 169 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 169


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            29.   OverheaD exPenses (cOnt’D.)
                (iv)  General administrative expenses

                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                    Administrative expenses                                                        1,382       1,952
                    Auditors’ remuneration
                     - statutory audit                                                              433          433
                      - regulatory related services                                                   3            3
                      - other services                                                              109          179
                    Provision for property and equipment written off                               4,462           -
                    General expenses                                                               7,429       8,438
                    Non-Executive directors remuneration (Note 30)                                 1,024       1,059
                    Professional fees                                                              4,804       8,367
                    Charge of brokerage fees                                                          -            6
                    Others                                                                           784         602

                                                                                                  20,430      21,039

            30.   DirectOrs’ fees anD remUneratiOn
                                                                          Salary       Fees    Emoluments      Total
                                                                         RM’000      RM’000       RM’000     RM’000

                Group and Bank
                Executive Director:
                  Dato’ Shahrul Nazri bin Abdul Rahim                        650          -          140         790
                  Norlela binti Sulaiman                                     96           -             -         96
                                                                            746           -          140         886

                Non-Executive Directors: (Note 29)
                  Dato’ Azman Mahmud                                           -         48            9          57
                  Dato’ Feizal Mustapha @ Feizal bin Mustapha                  -         35            7          42
                  Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed                             -         146             -        146
                  Datuk Bahria binti Mohd Tamil                               -         127            -         127
                  Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad Syed Abdul Kadir                      -        162            -         162
                  Dato’ Wong Lee Yun                                           -        169             -        169
                  Wong Yoke Nyen                                              -         187            -         187
                  Prem Kumar A/L Shambunath Kirparam                          -         121            -         121
                  Pauline Teh Abdullah                                        -          13             -         13
                                                                              -       1,008           16        1,024

                Total Directors’ remuneration
                  (excluding benefits in-kind)                              746       1,008          156       1,910
   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174