Page 173 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 173


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            37.   basic earnings Per share

                                                                              Group                     Bank
                                                                          2021         2020        2021         2020

                Issued ordinary shares as at 31 December (‘000)        2,708,665    2,708,665    2,708,665    2,708,665

                Profit after taxation (RM’000)                           51,107      51,150       51,107       51,150

                Basic earnings per share (sen)                             1.89         1.89        1.89         1.89

                The basic profit per ordinary share has been calculated based on the profit after taxation and the weighted average number of
                ordinary shares during the year.

            38.   DiviDenDs

                The holders of redeemable convertible cumulative preference shares are entitled to receive dividends at a fixed rate of
                4.7% per annum as and when declared by the Bank.

            39.   cOmmitments anD cOntingencies

                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                Banking operation commitments
                Contracted but not provided for:
                  Guarantee facility                                                             130,289     124,039
                  Letter of credit                                                                10,679       3,281
                  Undrawn loans and financing                                                   1,117,887    2,148,512

                                                                                                1,258,855    2,275,832

                Insurance operation commitments
                Contracted but not provided for:
                  Within one year                                                                319,069     454,725
                  One year or later and no later than five years                                 277,767      366,635
                                                                                                 596,836     821,360

                Operational commitments
                Approved but not contracted for:
                  Within one year                                                                  3,171      12,393

                Total commitments and contingencies                                             1,858,862    3,109,585
   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178