Page 178 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 178


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

               Regulatory capital
               The following table set forth capital resources and capital adequacy for the Bank as at 31 December:
                                                                      Without        With      Without        With
                                                                  Transitional  Transitional  Transitional  Transitional
                                                                 Arrangement  Arrangement   Arrangement  Arrangement
                                                                        2021         2021        2020         2020
                                                                      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

               Ordinary share capital                                2,708,665    2,708,665    2,708,665    2,708,665
               Accumulated losses                                   (1,348,029)    (1,348,029)    (1,382,814)    (1,382,814)
               Current year profit                                     51,107       51,107       51,150      51,150
               Add: Transitional arrangement                                -       91,204           -      228,867

               Eligible Tier 1 capital                               1,411,743    1,502,947    1,377,001    1,605,868

               Loss provision and regulatory reserve*                 667,068      575,864     564,782      335,915
               Redeemable convertible cumulative preference shares       250,000    250,000     250,000     250,000
               Provision for guarantee and claims                      35,106       35,106      41,587       41,587
               Provision for commitment and contingencies              36,665       36,665      47,747       47,747
               Eligible Tier 2 capital                                988,839      897,635      904,116     675,249

               Investment in subsidiaries                              (64,129)     (64,129)    (64,129)    (64,129)
               Total capital base                                    2,336,453    2,336,453    2,216,988    2,216,988

               Risk weighted assets                                  5,271,754    5,271,754    5,667,674    5,667,674

               Capital Ratio

               -  With proposed RCCPS dividend (Note 38)
                   Core capital ratio                                  26.47%      28.20%       24.01%       28.05%
                   RWCR                                                44.01%      44.01%       38.83%      38.83%

               - Without proposed RCCPS dividend
                   Core capital ratio                                  26.78%       28.51%      24.30%      28.33%
                   RWCR                                                44.32%      44.32%       39.12%       39.12%

               *  The loss provision for 2021 is computed based on Para 13.1 (d)(ii) or Capital Adequacy Framework (capital components)
                issued by BNM on 2 February 2019. The Tier 2 Capital comprise collective allowance on unimpaired loans, advances and
                financing and regulatory reserve.
                 The Group  and the  Bank  have elected  to apply  the transitional  arrangements  in accordance with  BNM’s Guidelines on
                Transitional Arrangements for Regulatory Capital Treatment of Accounting Provisions for Development Financial Institutions.
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