Page 179 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 179
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
42. financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)
Market risk management
Approach and risk strategy
The principal objectives of market risk management are to assume an appropriate balance between the level of risk and the
level of return desired in order to maximise the return to shareholders’ funds and to ensure prudent management of the
Group’s and the Bank’s resources to support the growth of the Group’s and the Bank’s economic value.
The Group’s and the Bank’s market risk management strategies are to identify, measure, monitor and manage the Group’s
and the Bank’s earnings and capital against market risk inherent in all activities of the Group and the Bank and ensure all
relevant personnel clearly understand the Group’s and the Bank’s approach in managing market risk.
Risk identification
The Group’s and the Bank’s market risk arise due to changes foreign currency which would lead to a decline in the value of
the Group’s and the Bank’s investment securities, derivatives, borrowings, foreign exchange and equity position.
The Group’s and the Bank’s policies are to minimise the exposures to foreign currency risk arising from lending activities
by monitoring and obtaining the Board’s approval for funding requisitions that involve foreign currencies.
The Group and the Bank are exposed to foreign currency risk arising from the balances in cash and bank balances, deposits and
placements, loans, advances and financing, derivatives financial instruments and borrowings.
The table below shows the Group’s and the Bank’s foreign currencies sensitivity based on reasonable possible movements
on the increase/(decrease) in foreign exchange (“FX”) rates that resulted to the increase/(decrease) in profit and loss:
Changes in
foreign Effect on profit/loss Effect on equity
exhange Increase Decrease Increase Decrease
rates (+/-) in FX rate in FX rate in FX rate in FX rate
% RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
EUR 5 3,482 (3,482) 3,482 (3,482)
GBP 5 1,964 (1,964) 1,964 (1,964)
SGD 5 2,390 (2,390) 2,390 (2,390)
USD 10 38,908 (38,908) 38,908 (38,908)
AUD 10 748 (748) 748 (748)
47,492 (47,492) 47,492 (47,492)
EUR 5 42 (42) 42 (42)
GBP 5 24 (24) 24 (24)
SGD 5 2,466 (2,466) 2,466 (2,466)
USD 10 1,463 (1,463) 1,463 (1,463)
AUD 10 3,284 (3,284) 3,284 (3,284)
7,279 (7,279) 7,279 (7,279)