Page 201 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 201


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

                Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)
                Industrial analysis (cont’d.)
                Off-balance sheet exposure

                                                                       Banking     Insurance    operation
                                                                      operation    operation    medium/
                Group and Bank                                     commitments    short term    long term       Total
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000      RM’000

                Manufacturing                                           455,474     307,776       46,755     810,005
                Transport, storage and communication                    194,895           -           -       194,895
                Construction                                             26,071           -      227,826     253,897
                Electricity, gas and water supply                         4,000           -           -         4,000
                Finance, insurance, real estate and business activities       137,714     -           -      137,714
                Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels       62,650    11,293           -       73,943
                Government                                                    -           -           -            -
                Mining and quarrying                                    127,106           -        3,186     130,292
                Primary Agriculture                                     250,945           -            -      250,945

                                                                       1,258,855    319,069      277,767     1,855,691

                Manufacturing                                           711,465     436,464       63,492    1,211,421
                Transport, storage and communication                    813,388           -           -       813,388
                Construction                                             25,327           -      219,730     245,057
                Electricity, gas and water supply                        21,332           -            -       21,332
                Finance, insurance, real estate and business activities       258,341     -           -      258,341
                Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels       108,871    18,261          -     127,132
                Government                                                   -            -           -            -
                Mining and quarrying                                    251,402           -        3,073     254,475
                Primary agriculture                                      85,706          - -      85,706
                Education, health and others                                 -            -       80,340       80,340

                                                                       2,275,832    454,725      366,635    3,097,192
   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206