Page 205 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 205


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

                Credit quality by class of financial assets (cont’d.)
                Credit quality by loans, advances and financing (cont’d.)
                For commercial exposures, the Group and the Bank use ten risk grades with rating ‘1’ representing the lowest risk. Meanwhile
                for Sovereign exposures, the Group and the Bank use five risk grades with rating ‘aaa’ representing the lowest risk. The
                exposure under each of these risk grades is as follows (cont’d.):

                                                                        Stage 1      Stage 2     Stage 3       Total
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000      RM’000

                Commercial customer
                  Risk Rating 2                                         274,866           -           -      274,866
                  Risk Rating 3                                          529,221      87,764           -      616,985
                  Risk Rating 4                                         154,336     428,834           -      583,170
                  Risk Rating 5                                         193,089     668,280            -      861,369
                  Risk Rating 6                                           1,229     315,544           -       316,773
                  Risk Rating 7                                             17       236,702           -      236,719
                  Risk Rating 8                                              -       67,279           -       67,279
                  Risk Rating 9                                              -        2,898            -        2,898
                  Impaired                                                    -           -     2,382,477    2,382,477
                                                                       1,152,758    1,807,301    2,382,477    5,342,536

                  Risk Rating b-                                             -         2,347           -        2,347
                  Risk Rating b+                                              -      19,712            -      19,712
                  Risk Rating ccc                                            -       339,628           -     339,628
                                                                             -      361,687            -      361,687
                                                                       1,152,758    2,168,988    2,382,477    5,704,223

                Restructured items

                Restructured loans refer to the financial assets that would otherwise be past due or impaired where there is fundamental
                revision in the principal terms and conditions of the facility. Restructuring shall be considered when the customer’s business
                is still viable and is expected to remain viable after the restructuring. There were impaired loans restructured by the Group
                and the Bank during the year of RM4,416,777 (2020: RM109,434,295).
                Fair values

                (i)   Fair value hierarchy
                    The table below analyses financial instruments carried at fair value, by valuation method. The different levels have been
                    defined as follows:
                    Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
                    Level 2 - Valuation method for which all significant inputs are, or are based on, observable market data.
                    Level 3 - Valuation method for which significant inputs are not based on observable data.
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