Page 49 - EXIM_AR2021
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                                                                                 PLASTIC DATA AND FUN FACTS
            Another highlight is that the RVM is enabled via the Internet of Things (“IoT”)   ★  Every minute, 1 million plastic bottles
            concept. It has an interactive touchscreen able to intelligently track the   are sold across the world.
            collection made by the departments in the Bank, and also has the capability   ★  It takes three times the amount of
            to send a “BIN FULL” alert via SMS to selected licensed recyclers when the   water in bottled water to make a
            collection bag is full.                                                plastic bottle.

            As part of the Bank’s one year campaign, the RVM has been placed in the   ★  The production of bottled water uses
            concourse area of EXIM Bank Malaysia’s head office in Jalan Sultan Ismail,   17 million barrels of oil a year. That’s
                                                                                   slightly more than what it would take
            where plastic bottle depositors from the Bank and surrounding communities   to fill one million cars a year with fuel.
            such as Quill Mall patrons, Kampung Baru residents, Heritage Row and other   ★  It takes almost 2,000 times the energy
            businesses and student populations, are encouraged to use the Crush-It   to manufacture a bottle of water than it
            machine and increase the awareness for this cause.                     does to produce tap water.

            Leveraging on its tracking capabilities, in September 2021, the Bank ran an   ★  The biodegradation of plastic bottles is
            inter-department plastic bottle and aluminium can recycling challenge.     estimated to take 450 years.
            This furthered the recycling message as                              ★  Plastic is killing more than 1.1 million
            winners received prizes such as garments                               seabirds and animals every year.
            and  other  wearable  products  made  of                             ★  There will be more plastic than fish (by
            recycled plastic                                                       weight) in the ocean by 2050.
            bottles.                                                             ★  In 2012, total plastic emissions (not
                                                                                   just packaging) totalled around 390
                                                                                   million tonnes of CO . CO  plays a role
                                                                                   in climate change, which is defined
                                                                                   as a long-term shift in global climate
                                                                                   patterns such as temperature, rainfall,
                                                                                   and precipitation over time.
                                                                                 ★  Plastic recycling rates are low at
                                                                                   between 14–18% as a global average
                                                                                   and much lower in some countries,
                                                                                   compared with recycling rates
                                                                                   exceeding 50% for steel, aluminium,
                                                                                   copper and paper.
                                                                                 ★  Each year, at least 8 million tonnes of
                                                                                   plastics leak into the ocean — which
                                                                                   is equivalent to dumping the contents
                                                                                          of one garbage truck into
                                                                                            the ocean every minute. If
                                                                                             no action is taken, this is
                                                                                             expected to increase to
                                                                                              two per minute by 2030
                                                                                               and four per minute by
                                                                                               2050. Estimates suggest
                                                                                               that plastic packaging
                                                                                               represents the major
                                                                                                share of this leakage.

              In advancing its investment in sustainability, EXIM Bank sees beneficial synergies between its evolving sustainability reporting
              and stakeholder engagement processes. Comments, suggestions and critiques on the Bank’s sustainability practices and
              reporting are welcome. Please send a message via email to
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