Page 46 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 46



          OF THE UMMAH

          To  create  change,  the  forging  of  corporate  partnership  paves
          an optimum way forward. EXIM Bank collaborates with Yayasan
          Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (“YaPEIM”) towards
          supporting the socioeconomic development of the Muslim
          community in Malaysia. During the year, EXIM Bank provided
          a fund contribution of RM60,000 to YaPEIM, benefitting a total
          of 600 beneficiaries through the implementation of the YaPEIM
          Food Bank Programme in several locations in the states of
          Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Perak.

          YaPEIM  was  established by  the Government of Malaysia in
          1976 and restructured on 20 July 1984. Today, the Prime Minister of
          Malaysia  is  the  Patron  of  YaPEIM  and  the  foundation  is  placed  under
          the supervision of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department,
          who is responsible for Islamic Religious Affairs.

                                                                      EMPOWERING YOUTH VIA THE IMPIAN
                                                                      REMAJA PROJECT

                                                                      The Impian Remaja Project is a collaboration between
                                                                      the Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan
                                                                      Malaysia  (“UKM”)  and  Genius Remaja,  a  government
                                                                      body under the Ministry of Education. This project
                                                                      is aimed at championing youth between the ages of
                                                                      13 to 19, from Project Perumahan Rakyat (“PPR”)
                                                                      communities and from other distressed urban areas,
                                                                      through skills and leadership development activities.
                                                                      The project encourages society to assist disadvantaged
                                                                      youth to be integrated into the larger society and
                                                                      given equal access to education. Among the objectives
                                                                      of this programme are to include character building
                                                                      activities based on the youths’ individual strengths and
                                                                      capability, as well as to inculcate a culture of shared
                                                                      nation building among society. Up till October 2021,
                                                                      the project had raised RM188.5 thousand, serving
                                                                      6,798 youth in four PPR communities

                                                                      As one of the 15 corporate sponsors of the project,
                                                                      EXIM Bank contributed RM25,000 in 2021, and is
                                                                      committed to provide more towards the programme.
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