Page 41 - EXIM_AR2021
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               Vision                                    PREFERRED FINANCIER &

                                                      ADVISOR FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS
              Mandated   Role  To provide credit facilities to finance and support exports and imports of goods, services and overseas projects with
                          emphasis on non-traditional markets, in addition to providing export credit insurance services, export financing
                                          insurance, overseas investments insurance and guarantee facilities.

              Focus   Areas   Capturing Growth &             Transforming People &        Strengthening Sound Risk
                               Building Stability
                Foundation     Commitment to Evolve           Positive Work Culture         Good Governance

                      • Target loan growth of more than 5%  •  Strengthen organisation structure   • Enhance compliance culture
                      •  Focus on top export sub-sectors under   and redefine scope of functions  •  Value-added role by key control
                        manufacturing sector target 25% in 2022,   •  Enhancement of talent acquisition   functions for improvement on
                                                                                        existing processes & practices
                        ie. Chemicals, Medical Devices, Motor   •  Carry out Leadership Development   •  Revise Risk Based Pricing Method
               Main Initiatives  •  Focus on promoting products for Trade   •  Modernise core systems to embed   •  Enhance asset quality management
                        Vehicle Parts, Electronics Components,
                        Vegetable & Animals Fats, Machinery,
                                                                                        (RBPM) to support further
                                                                                        financial access to the industry
                        Rubber & Plastics
                                                           richer functionalities, automation
                                                                                       •  Robust capital management
                                                           and architectural sophistication
                        Finance, Project Financing, Contract
                        Financing, ECR and Working Capital
                                                           and framework
                      •  Utilisation of BNM funds for SME financing  •  Strengthen procurement process   framework
                      •  Effective efforts in asset management and
                        improvement in GIR of the Bank
            STRATEGY 2022                                                                 Financing into inwards investment
                                                                                          will provide holistic benefits to
            The strategic preparation of the FY2022 Corporate Plan is critical in view of the   the country and enhance the
            uncertainties that lie ahead and economic shocks arising from the abrupt COVID-19   competitiveness of the overall
            global pandemic crisis, which impacted all financial institutions. The pandemic has   value chain. This will result in
            caused changes in consumers’ engagement and behavior, and the devastating effects   current and future economic
            are predicted to continue to impact the business landscape for an uncertain period    benefits, particularly for:
            of time.
            EXIM  Bank  will  use  this  opportunity  to  enhance  its  foundations  and  improve  strategies      1
            to aid new and existing clients. To be able to continue discharging the Bank’s mandate to
            support cross-border businesses, the FY2022 Corporate Plan lays down the strategies to
            accelerate business stabilisation with the unchanged focus to deliver value to the Bank’s   Employment Opportunities
            respective stakeholders and shareholders while remaining vigilant of fluctuations in the
            economic landscape.                                                                                    2
            Notwithstanding EXIM Bank’s basic mandate, which is to support and encourage exports
            and outward investment, one of the Bank’s moving forward plan is to embark into     Technology Transfer
            financing the country’s entire export ecosystem and inwards investment by emphasising on
            the following areas:                                                                                   3

                       1                        2                        3                     Domestic Resources

                Review the AoB and      Emphasise the Bank’s       Further clarity on
                  Business Rules         outreach within the     financing of strategic                            4
                                        business focus on the          imports
                                           GDP quadrant                                           Capital Inflow
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