Page 39 - EXIM_AR2021
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            THE BUSINESS OF THE BANK            The facilities offered by the Bank fall   technology, engineering, architecture
                                                into  two  principal  categories:  banking   and design and other technical
            The Bank is the only DFI in Malaysia   and credit insurance/takaful.   services.
            dedicated to promoting the development
            of cross-border ventures through the   PERFORMANCE OF BANKING          As at 31 December 2021, the Bank’s
            provision of financing and insurance/  FACILITIES IN 2021              total loans outstanding relating to term
            takaful facilities to Malaysian entities                               financing (including both conventional
            conducting their business overseas.    EXIM Bank  has established a  wide   and  Islamic  banking  facilities)
            As  an  agency  owned  by  MOF  (Inc.)   range of financing facilities to cater for   amounted to RM0.80 billion.
            and now under the purview of MITI,   the financial needs of its borrowers.
            the Bank’s mandated role is to      Banking facilities offered by the Bank   Trade finance
            provide credit facilities to finance   are as follows:
            and support export and import of                                       Various facilities in support of
            capital goods, services, infrastructure   Cross-border term financing  cross-border  trade  are  made  available.
            projects, shipping and value-added                                     Malaysian manufacturers, exporters
            manufacturing by facilitating the entry   Malaysian contractors or investors   and suppliers of Malaysian goods
            of Malaysian companies into new     can approach the Bank for facilities   can also take advantage of the trade
            markets abroad with an emphasis on   such as overseas project, contract   finance facilities offered by the Bank to
            non-traditional markets, where there is   and  investment  financing  when  boost their exports into international
            limited participation from commercial   these borrowers undertake overseas   markets through working capital
            banks. The Bank also provides export   manufacturing,  infrastructure  and  financing under the supplier credit or
            credit  takaful  services,  overseas  other  developmental  projects.  financing facilities. Such facilities offer
            investments and guarantee facilities.  Financing to Malaysian companies   pre-shipment financing as working

            Locally incorporated corporations and   in bidding for overseas jobs and   capital for the production of goods
            SMEs, as well as foreign companies and   contracts is also provided. The   prior to shipment and post-shipment
            selected foreign governments, make up   financing is extended directly to a   financing  as  working  capital  after
            the clientele. In its export promotion   foreign government or foreign buyer to   the shipment of goods, pending the
            efforts, the Bank collaborates with   facilitate the import of Malaysian goods   receipt of proceeds for the exported
            the Government and its agencies,    and services.                      goods.
            including MITI, Malaysia External Trade   Besides that, the Bank extends export   Import  financing  facilities  assist
            Development Corporation (MATRADE),   of services facilities to facilitate   Malaysian companies with the import
            Malaysian Investment Development    Malaysian companies in exporting   of strategic goods and services, which
            Authority (MIDA), Small and Medium   their professional services overseas,     are unavailable in Malaysia, to promote
            Enterprise Corporation Malaysia     which are typically in the form of   the socioeconomic development of
            (SMECorp) and  Construction Industry   consultancy in areas like information   Malaysia.
            Development Board Malaysia (CIDB
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