Page 34 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 34



                                   In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
            It has been nearly six months since I was appointed as Chairman of EXIM Bank. During this period, I have had the
                     opportunity to meet and interact with many people across the Bank and business community.
           My previous role has been closely linked with the economic development of the country, and having gained a better
            understanding of the Bank with each new experience, I feel honoured to be a part of an organisation that remains
           true to its mandated role as a development bank, particularly in providing opportunities for Malaysian businesses to
                penetrate the global market, while also delivering value to the Bank’s stakeholders for the past 27 years.

          The Bank is committed in undertaking efforts that will   prospects  among  some  commodity-exporting  economies.
          strengthen its foundation and enable robust and sustainable   As highlighted by Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”), Malaysia’s
          growth over the long term.                            economy expanded to 3.1% from negative growth the year
                                                                before. Growth was supported by the increase in economic
          Since its incorporation, EXIM Bank has managed to     activities,  as  containment  measures  were progressively
          establish a significant presence in key economic sectors   relaxed amid continued policy support.
          such as transportation, storage & communication (30%),
          manufacturing (18%) and construction (17%). The Bank has   Taking stock of the year in review, the prolonged pandemic
          been  essential  in  ensuring  Malaysia’s  economic  expansion   had shaken the global economy and affected businesses,
          and will continue to work with a diverse range of clients   made worst by border control and closures. Amidst the
          and industries in providing trade and non-trade financing,   challenges, the Bank carried on engaging with its affected
          trade  credit  insurance/takaful,  and  advisory  services  for     customers  by  providing  much-needed financial relief by
          cross-border ventures. The year ahead is expected to be   rescheduling and restructuring its  existing  financing  and
          challenging, but I am optimistic about our growth trajectory.  providing moratorium to eligible customers. In December 2021,
                                                                EXIM had assisted 10.38% of its customers, who had applied
          FY2021 – THE CONTINUING GLOBAL CRISIS                 for these supports. During the major flood that took place
                                                                in December, the Bank had also utilised the BNM Disaster
          The global economy grew 5.5% in 2021, limited by supply   Relief Fund of RM1.4 million, in providing further support to
          chain disruptions, although this was partly offset by near-term   EXIM Bank’s customers impacted by the disaster.
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