Page 37 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 37


                                                                   FUTURE GENERATIONS
            Our profitable performance for the year was underpinned by
            the Bank’s ongoing transformation journey, which further   While maintaining strong protocols for the health and safety
            establishes good governance and culture change.        of our employees, and doing our part to combat COVID-19,
                                                                   the Bank’s commitment to long-term CSR programmes is
            We  leveraged  on the  subdued  business  environment  during   still ongoing. We continue to champion worthy causes that
            the pandemic phase to refine our strategies and enhance   focus on the betterment of the community and environment in
            the following operational foundations: strengthening EXIM’s   FY2021 by collectively engaging with our business ecosystem
            mandated  role;  prudent  asset  quality  and  risk  management;   of employees, marketplace players and non-governmental
            and  focus  on trade business  outreach  and  revenue     agencies to push for global agendas such as the United
            sustainability.                                        Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SGDs”).
            As opportunities emerged from the last quarter’s economic   Our  recycling  journey,  which started from  electronic  waste
            recovery, in November 2021, the Bank was proud to finance   recycling in 2019, and then fabric recycling with Kloth Malaysia
            USD11.84 million in support of ‘Green’ Locomotive Railway   in  2020,  was  extended  to  plastics  and  aluminium  in  2021  as
            despite the challenging pandemic condition. This is the first   EXIM  Bank  became  the first financial  institution  to  join the
            Malaysian built ‘Green’ locomotive designed with the aim   Kloth Circular Plastic Recycling Movement (“KCPRM”) and
            towards protecting the environment and mitigating climate   adopt the disruptive Reverse Vending Machine (“RVM”),
            change, which is in line with the Bank’s target to finance     also known as Crush-It by Kloth Lifestyle.
            sectors complying with ESG guidelines.
                                                                   Later in the year, the Bank embarked on its first community
            As we move into 2022, the Bank’s focus will be on capturing   engagement to bring light to the lives of underserved Orang
            growth as opportunities emerge, and anchor itself on stability.   Asli communities in Pahang. This was through a partnership
                                                                   with the Global Peace Foundation Malaysia’s All-Lights
            The way forward is for the Bank to continue to deliver on its
            mandate as a Policy Bank with sound risk management    Village project to address energy poverty issues faced by
                                                                   Orang Asli communities in Pahang. The installation of
            practices, while extending assistance to customers affected by
            the spill-over impact of COVID-19.                     renewable and sustainable solar systems at four villages,
                                                                   impacted 45 households, or 150 villagers.
            This journey will be accompanied by improving the           More details on our CSR initiatives can be found on
            “end-to-end process” with technology and harnessing greater
            savings and service delivery excellence. At the same time,   page 40.
            efforts in embedding a compliance culture will continue to
            be prioritised, to enhance our employees’ performance and   GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION
                                                                   The Bank would like to extend our sincere appreciation to
                                                                   the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of International Trade and
            NURTURING THE POTENTIAL AND WELFARE OF OUR TEAM        Industry and agencies, as well as Bank Negara Malaysia

            EXIM Bank strives to uphold high performance delivery,   (“BNM”) for their continued guidance and advice.
            which is essential in executing our business strategies and     My deep acknowledgement and appreciation also goes out to
            generating long-term shareholder’s value. Human capital   the members of the Board for their invaluable support and
            initiatives in 2021 focused on developing current and future   counsel, as well as to the stalwart EXCO, management and
            leaders and ensuring that they possess essential know-how in   staff of EXIM Bank for their dedication, commitment and
            today’s technology, as well as future capabilities for growth.  support throughout this challenging period.
            Our focus encapsulates prioritising the safety and wellbeing
            of our employees, which includes ongoing assurance that   NORLELA SULAIMAN
            our work premises were compliant to standard operating   Acting President/Chief Executive Officer
            procedures (“SOPs”), and awareness on social distancing   EXIM Bank Malaysia
            protocols. Making sure everyone in the EXIM family stays
            safe during the pandemic, the Bank encouraged and made
            available COVID-19 vaccine shots to all employees and their
            families during the year.
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