Page 50 - EXIM_AR2021
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                  1 March 2021

                   Main Hall, Exim Bank & Microsoft Teams

              EXIM BANK TOWNHALL
              The end of the first quarter of 2021 saw the Chairman and Senior
              Management of EXIM Bank gathering and addressing the staff of
              EXIM Bank on the Bank’s performance for 2020 and corporate
              plans moving forward.

              The townhall meeting was held virtually for the entire workforce of
              the Bank due to the new norm of doing business in the face of the
              pandemic last year. Divided into two sessions, the townhall meeting had 300 over staff logging onto the Microsoft Teams
              platform to hear the Chairman Dato’ Dr Feizal Mustapha and Officer in Charge Chin Chon Young share on the Bank’s financial
              standing for the year, in addition to the progress of the Gear Up 21 initiatives and the digital and transformation agenda of
              the Bank for 2021.

               1 November 2021          Port Klang, Selangor

          The handover of the first batch of the ‘H10 Series’
          locomotives  by SMH  Rail to Tanzania  Railways
          Corporation (“TRC”) was successfully completed
          and is expected to bring positive enhancements
          to the African Rail cargo industry. Through
          the development of these Malaysian built
          ‘Green’  locomotives,  SMH  Rail  has  affectively
          earned itself a place amongst the legion of
          world class players in the global rail industry.
          Energy-efficient and eco-designed, the ‘H10
          Series’ diesel- electric locomotives meet
          the Tanzanian Government  railroad’s unique
          operational needs through seamless connectivity
          and enhanced accessibility.

                                                    The cutting-edge ‘green’ tech was financed by EXIM Bank, despite the
                                                    challenging pandemic environment, and is in line with its mandate to promote
                                                    and facilitate cross-border trade and investments of Malaysian businesses.

                                                    The  occasion  was  graced  by  the  Works  and  Transport  Minister  of  Tanzania,
                                                    Prof. Makame M. Mbarawa, and it is hoped that the successful completion
                                                    and delivery of these locomotives will boost Malaysian-African relations and
                                                    further drive economic empowerment through export.
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