Page 55 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 55


            STATEMENT OF

            The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Export Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (“EXIM Bank” or
            “the Bank”) recognises the importance to adopt the principles and best practices of Corporate
            Governance as good governance practices leads to financial stability. The Board remains dedicated
            and committed in its efforts to build an environment of trust by continuously promoting transparency,
            accountability, responsibility  and  integrity  in its  decision  making  process.  This  commitment  is
            imperative in achieving the Bank’s long term growth strategies, maximise shareholders’ value,
            protect the interest of the Bank’s stakeholders, ensure continuous sustainability and set a solid
            foundation for the Bank to carry out its mandated role as a Development Financial Institution (“DFI”).

            The Board also recognises the Board Charter as an important governance tool that sets out the Board’s strategic intent and outlines
            the role and authority of the Board that specifically reserves for itself, and those which it delegates to the Board Committees and
            Senior Management. The Board delegates certain functions to Board Committees, which comprises of members of the Board and
            these Board Committees operate within the Terms of References primarily to assist the Board in discharging of its duties and
            responsibilities. Although the Board has delegated its authority to the Board Committees, the Board remains fully accountable and
            responsible for the actions and decisions carried out by the Board Committees.

            The Board Charter adopted by the Bank took into consideration the Board’s roles and responsibilities (both collectively and
            individually), authority, fiduciary duties, integrity and functions as provided for in the Development Financial Institutions Act
            2002 (“DFIA 2002”), Companies Act 2016, Constitution of the Bank as well as other primary legislative and regulatory provisions
            applicable to the Bank. The Board Charter also includes principles and best practices of Corporate Governance advocated under
            Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”)’s Corporate Governance Policy Document (“CGPD”) and the Malaysian Code on Corporate
            Governance (“the Code”).

            The following are key Corporate Governance practices adopted by the Bank as per its Board Charter:-
            PART 1: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE                 manner  in which  the affairs of  the Bank  are managed.
            BOARD                                                     The Board sets the Bank’s values and standards and
                                                                      ensures that its obligations to its shareholders and
            Roles and Responsibilities                                stakeholders are understood and met.

            The Board acknowledges Corporate Governance is important   2)  The Board plays a critical role in ensuring that the Bank
            to the business of the Bank and is committed in the application   upholds sound and prudent policies and practices.
            of Corporate Governance principles in all its business dealings   The Board will perform its oversight role effectively and
            with its stakeholders.                                    understands  its overall responsibilities  to shareholders

            The Board will  perform its oversight role effectively and   and stakeholders. The Board are not involved in the
                                                                      day-to-day operations of the Bank but will provide an
            understands its overall responsibilities to stakeholders as   effective check and balance mechanism in the overall
            guided by the Board Charter. Both the Chairman and the P/CEO   management of the Bank.
            functions are properly segregated. However, their respective
            functions remain mutually co-dependent enabling efficient and   3)  The Board bears ultimate responsibility for the proper
            effective execution of duties and responsibilities.       stewardship of the Bank. The Board understands that
                                                                      the responsibility for good Corporate Governance in
            In performing its duties and responsibilities for the Bank, the   ensuring the maximisation of shareholders’ value and
            Board’s core responsibilities amongst others are as follows:-
                                                                      the safeguarding of stakeholders’ interest is performed
            1)  The Board is charged with leading and managing the    through rigorous and diligent oversight of the Bank’s
                Bank effectively and responsibly. Each Director has a   affairs, establishing, amongst others, the corporate
                legal duty to act in the best interest of the Bank. The   values, vision and strategies that will direct the activities
                Directors, collectively and individually, are aware of their   of the Bank, and be aware of the types of material financial
                responsibilities to shareholders and stakeholders for the   activities the Bank intends to pursue.
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