Page 57 - EXIM_AR2021
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            The  Nomination and  Remuneration  Committee  (“NRC”)  has  been  delegated  by the Board  in  overseeing  the  following  matters
            concerning the Board, Board Committees, Shariah Committee (“SC”), P/CEO and Senior Management:

               Appointment and        Composition          evaluation and       Fit and proper       Remuneration
                reappointment                                                    assessment        policy and package

            The appointment and reappointment of Directors are governed under the Garis Panduan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Lantikan Menteri
            Kewangan (Diperbadankan), BNM’s Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria as well as the Bank’s Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria and Policy
            on the Appointment/Reappointment of Chairman, Directors and P/CEO. In accordance with these policies and guidelines, the NRC
            undertakes a crucial role in the nomination and selection process of potential candidates to be appointed as Directors and members
            of the Board Committees.

            The NRC performs detailed assessments on the candidates with respect to their relevant skill sets, expertise and experience to fill
            any gaps in the present Board’s skills and expertise. Subsequently, the NRC recommends the appointments for the Board’s approval
            before the submission to BNM for verification and finally to the MOF for the final approval. The appointment and reappointment
            tenure shall be for a term of two (2) years with maximum service tenure of six (6) years.

            The NRC considers the following criteria with respect to the fit and proper assessment of a candidate:

                             1                                  2                                   3

                  PROBITY AND REPUTATION                   COMPETENCY                      FINANCIAL INTEGRITY
                  the candidate must have the         the candidate must have the       the candidate must be able to
                   requisite qualities such as         necessary qualifications,        manage his debts or financial
                 honesty, integrity, diligence and   skills, experience, ability and         affairs prudently.
                       independence.               commitment to carry out the role.

            On an annual basis, the NRC guided by BNM’s as well the Bank’s internal Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria to carry out fit and proper
            assessments on the suitability of the Board members to continue in their present role. The assessment involves a self-declaration by
            the Directors to ensure the suitability and independence of the Directors to continue to serve as Directors of the Bank.
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