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            Board Risk Committee (BRC)

            The BRC’s main function is to support the Board in managing risks according to BNM’s Policy Document on Risk Governance and
            to oversee Management’s activities in managing risks with respect to credit, market and liquidity risk and to ensure that the risk
            management process is in place and functioning.

            The BRC comprises three (3) members (including the BRC Chairman) majority of whom are INEDs and chaired by an INED.

            The BRC has oversight and is responsible for the following:

            1  Strategy and Policy
               •  Oversee, review and approve/recommend risk management philosophy and strategy, including risk appetite to the Board
                  for approval.
               •  Review and approve/recommend the risk management framework, policies, controls and systems of the Bank in accordance
                  with the Board approved risk management philosophy and strategy.
               •  Review and approve/recommend to the Board the risk appetite/tolerance of the Bank at enterprise and strategic business
                  unit levels to the Board for approval.
               •  Recommend new products/services, systems and processes which are fundamentally different from the Bank’s existing
                  products/services, systems and processes as proposed by Management, to the Board for approval.
               •  Review,  approve/recommend  new  sourcing  providers  and  arrangements  for  the  Board’s  approval  and  periodically  be
                  informed and review on the performance of the existing outsourcing providers prior to renewal.
               •  Maintain continued awareness of any changes in the Bank’s risk profile to ensure that the Bank’s business activities are in
                  line with the overall risk strategy, appetite and tolerance.

            2  Organisation
               •  Overseeing the overall management of all risks including market risk management, asset and liability management, credit
                  risk management, country risk management and operational risk management.
               •  Ensure clear and independent reporting lines and responsibilities for the overall business activities and risk management
               •  Cultivate a proactive risk management culture and compliance management culture in the day-to-day business and activities.
               •  Independent  review/oversight  of  the  Bank’s  risk  management,  policies,  procedures,  infrastructure,  capabilities,
                  environment and processes.

            3  Measurement
               •  Approve/recommend  risk  methodologies  including  measurement  and  management  of  risks  arising  from  the  Bank’s
                  business and operational activities including approve/recommend to the Board any changes to the risk limit for the
                  Board’s approval.
               •  Ensure the appropriateness of the risk measurement methodologies (including assumptions made within the methodologies)
                  under the prevailing business environment.
               •  Engage external and independent reviewer(s) for the validation of risk measurement methodologies and outputs as required.
               •  Review and approve/recommend broad-based risk limits to the Board’s for approval and to ensure the risk limits are within
                  the Board’s approved risk appetite and strategy.
               •  Approve/recommend detailed risk limits based on the Board’s broad based limits/tolerance/appetite.
               •  Oversee  the  management’s  actions  to  ensure  consistency  with  the  Board’s  approved  risk  appetite,  risk  strategy,
                  risk policies and that risk limits granted are adhered to and within the approved risk limits.
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