Page 64 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 64


          STATEMENT OF


                                                                     Number of Meetings
           Name of Directors              Board Meetings     BCC            BRC           NRC            BAC
                                          Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended
           Puan Pauline Teh Abdullah (PTA) 4  3   3       -      -       1      1      -       -      -      -

           % of attendance                    100%           n/a           100%            n/a            n/a
           Directors who have resigned since the last report
           Dato’ Dr. Feizal Mustapha (DFM) 5  3   3       -      -       -      -      -       -      -      -
           Prem Kumar A/L Shambunath       19     19      -      -       9      9      12     12      10     10
           Kirparam (PK)

          1   DAM appointed as Chairman on 1 October 2021
          2   DSM appointed as BRC Chairman with effect from 18 October 2021
          3   DSW appointed as NRC member with effect from 18 October 2021
          4   PTA appointed as Director on 15 November 2021 and appointed as BRC member with effect from 21 December 2021
          5   DFM resigned as Chairman with effect from 8 March 2021
          6   PK resigned as Director with effect from 20 September 2021

          Supply and Access of Information                      Besides the  Board Charter, the  Board members are  further
                                                                guided by the Bank’s Code of Conduct for Directors in
          The Board has unlimited and timely access to information with   discharging their duties. The Code of Conduct shall be read in
          respect to the Board papers distributed in advance of meetings   conjunction with the Board Charter.
          to enable the Directors to obtain further explanations, where
          necessary, in order to be adequately prepared before the   The Board endorsed the Whistleblowing Policy which provides
          meetings. The Board is also provided with the minutes of    an avenue for all employees of the Bank (whether permanent,
          previous Board meetings, minutes of Board Committee   contract, temporary or trainee), Directors, Shareholders,
          meetings as well as reports relevant to the issues of the   Customers, Consultants, Vendors, Contractors, agencies or any
          meetings covering the areas of financial, information   parties with a business relationship with the Bank to disclose
          technology, operations, budgets, risk management and annual   any unethical conduct or malpractice in accordance with the
          management plans.                                     procedure as provided under the policy and to provide protection
                                                                for employees and members of the related parties who report
          The Board has access to the advice and services of the Company   such allegations. Whistleblower who make a disclosure shall
          Secretary. Additionally, the Board may seek independent   be protected against any form of retaliation or reprisal.
          professional advice in discharging their duties, if required.
                                                                The Board members are also guided by among others the
          PART 5: BOARD CULTURE & CONTINUING PROCESSES          following policies in carrying out their duties:-

          Ethical Standards
          The  Board  members  are  expected  to  observe  the  highest   No Gift Policy      Entertainment Policy
          standards  of  ethical  behaviour  and fair  dealings  concerning
          customers, employees and regulators in the communities
          within which the Bank operates and to ensure compliance with
          all applicable laws, rules and regulations to which the Bank is                      Policy on Financing
          bound to observe.                                           Anti-Bribery and      Facilities with Connected
                                                                     Corruption Policy
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