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            Board Audit Committee (“BAC”)                             (iii)  To review and approve the audit scope, procedures
                                                                           and frequencies and the annual internal audit plan;
            The BAC is tasked to review the financial condition of the Bank,
            its internal controls, performance and findings of the internal   (iv)  To approve the Audit Charter for Board’s approval,
            auditors, and to recommend appropriate remedial action         so that the internal audit function can be discharged
            regularly through its meetings, preferably to be held at least   effectively;
            once in two months or as and when required.
                                                                      (v)   To review key audit reports (including reports on
            The BAC comprises of three (3) members (including the BAC      internal controls, risk management processes,
            Chairman) a majority being INEDs and chaired by an INED.       compliance with statutory requirements and
                                                                           governance practices) and ensuring that Management
            The responsibilities of the BAC are as follows:                is taking the necessary corrective actions in a timely
            1.  Support the Board in ensuring that there is a reliable and   manner to address weaknesses, non-compliance
                transparent financial reporting process.                   with laws, regulatory requirements, policies and
                                                                           other material issues identified;
            2.  Ensure that the financial accounts are prepared in a timely
                and accurate manner and ensure prompt finalisation of the   (vi)  To recommend for the Board’s approval the
                Audited Financial Statements.                              appointment, remuneration package, performance
                                                                           appraisal, transfer and dismissal of the CIA;
            3.  Reporting
                                                                      (vii)  To review the assessment or findings arising from
                (i)   To review the financial statements (half-yearly      the Shariah audit and report on the non-compliance
                    and annual basis), preliminary results release and     events to the Shariah Committee and the Board and
                    any other formal releases  relating to its financial   ensure management takes action to address any
                    performance  prior  to  escalation  to  the  Board  for   issues or shortfalls.
                                                                      (viii)  To note significant disagreements between the CIA
                (ii)   To inform the Board on the issues and concerns      and the Management, irrespective of whether these
                    discussed during its meetings, including those raised   have been resolved, in order to identify any impact,
                    by the External Auditors and where appropriate,        the disagreements may have on the audit process or
                    make the necessary recommendations to the Board        findings;
                    for approval; and
                                                                      (ix)  To establish a mechanism to assess the performance
                (iii)  To  review  and  endorse  the  status  and          and effectiveness of the internal audit function; and
                    progress  of  Management’s  responses  and
                    corrective measures on issues raised by BNM,      (x)   To oversee the effectiveness of the internal audit
                    MOF, Jabatan Audit Negara Malaysia, Jabatan            function, staff competency requirements and
                    Akauntan Negara Malaysia or other regulatory bodies    adequacy of audit resources and that IAD has the
                    prior to submission to the Board for approval.         necessary authority to carry out its functions.
            4.  Oversee the effectiveness of the Internal Audit function:  5.  Oversight on External Auditor:

                (i)   To oversee the functions of the Internal Audit     (i)   To  oversee  the  functions  of  the  External  Auditor
                    Department (“IAD”) and to ensure compliance with       and to ensure compliance with BNM CGPD,
                    BNM CGPD, BNM Guidelines on Internal Audit             BNM Guidelines on External Auditor, the Code and
                    Function of Licensed Institutions, the Code and        any other requirements of the relevant laws and
                    any other requirements of the relevant laws and        regulations of other regulatory authorities.
                    regulations of other regulatory authorities;
                                                                      (ii)   To  recommend  to  the Board for  approval on  the
                (ii)   To review the adequacy of internal controls, including   appointment  or reappointment, removal  and
                    the scope of the internal audit function, the internal   remuneration of the External Auditor;
                    audit findings and to recommend actions to be taken
                    by Management;
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