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          STATEMENT OF


          PART 4: BOARD AND BOARD COMMITTEES                    Board Committees

          Board Meetings                                        The Board has delegated certain of its governance
                                                                responsibilities to the Board Committees, which operate
          The Board Charter stipulates that the Board needs to meet at   within clearly defined Terms of References, primarily to assist
          least once a month in discharging its duties and responsibilities.   the  Board  in  the  execution of  its  duties  and  responsibilities.
          Besides the twelve (12) pre-scheduled Board meetings   Although the Board has granted such discretionary authority
          determined in advance to enable the Board members to plan   to these Board Committees to deliberate and decide on certain
          their meeting schedules, the Company Secretarial Department   key and strategic matters, the ultimate responsibility still lies
          will arrange for ad-hoc Board meetings as circumstances   with the Board. The Chairpersons of the respective Board
          dictate.                                              Committees will report to the Board on matters dealt with at
                                                                their respective Board Committee meetings.
          Senior Management is invited to attend these meetings to share
          their views and feedback on the proposals submitted. Senior   The Board Committees are as follows:
          Management’s attendance also provides an opportunity for the
          Board to discuss the subject matter presented directly with the   1.  Board Credit Committee;
          respective paper owners.                              2.  Board Audit Committee;

          According to BNM CGPD, Board members are required to attend   3.  Board Risk Committee; and
          at least 75% of the Board meetings held in each financial year.   4.  Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
          During the financial year ended 31 December 2021, the Bank
          conducted 27 Board meetings and all Board members exceeded   Board Credit Committee (“BCC”)
          the minimum 75% attendance requirement.               The BCC is primarily responsible to perform supervisory and
          All issues raised, discussions, deliberations, decisions and   oversight roles on financing and credit related proposals and
          conclusions including dissenting views made at the meetings,   approval. The BCC shall refer to the Credit Risk Policy and the
          must be recorded in the minutes of meetings without fear or   Bank’s latest Approving Authorities and Authority Limits.
          favour with clear actions to be taken by the affected parties.  The BCC comprises four (4) members, a majority being
          The Roles of the Chairman at Board Meetings           Independent Non-Executive Directors (“INEDs”) and chaired
                                                                by an INED. The BCC shall have the following specific
          The Chairman’s primary role is to preside over board meetings   responsibilities:
          and to ensure the smooth functioning of the board in the
          interest of good corporate governance. In performing this role,   1.  To deliberate, review and exercise the right to approve,
          the Chairman is responsible for, amongst others:-         reject and modify the terms and conditions of credit
                                                                    applications which have been approved by the Management
          1.  Leading the Board in setting the values and standards of   Credit Committee (“MCC”).
             the Bank along with the Directors to create an environment
             of trust.                                          2.  To recommend “policy loans/financing” and loans/
                                                                    financing which are required by statute to be approved by
          2.  To promote the highest standards of corporate governance,   the Board, which have been reviewed and recommended by
             probity and integrity with respect to the deliberations and   the MCC.
             decisions made.
                                                                3.  To seek/obtain any information from any employee of the
          3.  To ensure that complete, timely, relevant, accurate, honest   Bank and to commission any investigations, reports or
             and accessible information is placed before the Board to   surveys, if deemed necessary on credit related matters.
             enable Board members to reach an informed decision.
                                                                      During the financial year ended 31 December 2021, the
          The Bank has complied with the Code where the Chairman shall   BCC met 22 times. Members of the BCC and details of
          only chair Board and General meetings and the Chairman shall   the meetings attended by the members are stated on
          not be appointed as Chairman or member of any of the Board   page 61 of this Annual Report.
          Committees . This is to promote robust and open deliberations
          by the Board on matters referred by the Board Committees.

          3   Following the departure of Dato’ Dr. Feizal Mustapha on 8 March 2021, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Chairman, Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad
            Syed Abdul Kadir was also appointed as the interim Chairman from 22 April 2021 to 30 September 2021. Subsequently, Dato’ Azman Mahmud was appointed
            as the new Chairman of the Bank effective 1 October 2021.
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