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          STATEMENT OF


             (iii)  To review and approve the scope of the      8.  Review third-party opinions on the design and effectiveness
                  External Auditor’s audit plan, monitor and assess   of the Bank’s internal control framework.
                  the effectiveness of the external audit carried out
                  including meeting with External Auditor without the   9.  Review and endorse the status and progress of
                  presence of Management at least annually;         Management’s responses and corrective measures on
                                                                    issues raised in the Composite Risk Rating (“CRR”) letter
             (iv)  To ensure Management is taking the necessary     from BNM before the same is tabled to the Board for
                  corrective  actions  as  per  Management’s  responses   approval.
                  in a timely manner to address the external audit
                  findings as per the Management Letters;       10.  Review the Bank’s compliance to all relevant regulations
                                                                    including Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of
             (v)   To monitor and assess the independence of the    Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) measures.
                  External Auditor including recommending to the
                  Board for approval the provision of non-audit services   11.  Deliberate investigation reports in relation to whistleblowing
                  by the External Auditor;                          cases and decide on actions to be taken in accordance with
                                                                    the Bank’s Whistle Blowing Policy.
             (vi)  To ensure that the financial statements are prepared
                  in a timely and accurate manner with emphasis on,   12.  Carry out such other responsibilities as may be
                  among others, significant matters highlighted in   delegated to BAC by the Board from time to time.
                  the financial statements and significant judgments
                  made  by Management that  include  the  adequacy   13.  Authority:
                  of allowances against contingencies and impaired   (i)   The BAC in discharging its  duties has explicit
                  assets;                                               authority to investigate any matters within its Terms
             (vii)  To ensure that there are proper checks and balances   of Reference.
                  in place so that the provision of non-audit services   (ii)   BAC shall have full authority to seek/obtain
                  does not interfere with the exercise of independent   information from any employee of the Bank and to
                  judgment of the External Auditor; and                 commission any investigations or reports, which
             (viii)  To maintain regular, timely, open and honest       it deems necessary to facilitate its duties and
                  communications  with  the  External  Auditor  and     obligations.
                  requiring the External Auditor to report to the BAC on   (iii)  BAC shall have the authority to obtain external
                  significant matters.                                  or independent professional advice or expertise,
          6.  Related Party Transactions (“RPT”) and/or Connected       if necessary, with expenses related thereto to be
             Party Transactions (“CPT”):                                borne by the Bank.
             (i)   To review RPT and/or CPT and to seek the Board’s   (iv)  BAC is able to convene meetings with the Internal/
                  approval for such transactions apart from all         External Auditors without the presence of the P/CEO
                  financing facilities with connected parties which are   or the Management.
                  reviewed and deliberated by both the MCC and BCC   (v)   At least on annual basis, BAC shall meet with the CIA
                  for recommendation to the Board in line with the      and/or External Auditor without the presence of the
                  Bank’s Guidelines on Connected Parties Transactions   Management.
                  Version 1.0 (2017).
                                                                      The BAC held thirteen (13) meetings during the financial
             (ii)   To monitor and ensure compliance with the Bank’s   year 31 December 2021. Members of the BAC and details
                  Conflict of Interest Policy.                        of the meeting attended by the members are stated on

          7.  Review the  accuracy  and adequacy  of the  Chairman’s   page 61 of this Annual Report.
             Statement in the Directors’ Report, Corporate Governance
             Disclosure, interim financial reports and preliminary
             announcements in relation to the preparation of the
             financial statements.
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