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          STATEMENT OF


          4  Processes and Technology
             •  To ensure sufficient internal controls are embedded in the Bank’s daily activities to detect any deficiencies in the internal
               control environment in a timely manner.
             •  Oversee and review the independence and robustness of risk management processes throughout the Bank and recommend
               the Bank’s key risk control and mitigation processes to the Board for approval.
             •  Periodically review risk exposures of the Bank in line with its risk strategy and objectives.
             •  Delegating  predetermined  specific  authority  to  the  Management,  Audit,  Risk  and  Compliance  Committee  (MARCC)  or
               Senior Management to approve specific deviations and the extent of these deviations from limits.
             •  Review and recommend the contingency plan for dealing with various extreme internal/ external events disasters.
             •  Ensure adequacy of tools, systems, processes and resources for the control functions including proper oversight of risk
               management as well as data recording, accuracy, record maintenance and retention.

               The BRC met twelve (12) times during the financial year ended 31 December 2021. Members of the BRC and details of the
               meeting attended by the members are stated on page 61 of this Annual Report.

          Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“NRC”)         (ii)   Recommend suitable candidates to the Board for the
                                                                     appointment and reappointment in the Board, Board
          The primary objectives of the NRC are as follows:          Committees, SC and the P/CEO taking into consideration

          (i)   Providing a formal and transparent procedure and     amongst others the fit and proper assessment that the
               support to the Board in carrying out its function in   individuals should bring to the Board.
               overseeing the following matters concerning the Board,   In the case of candidates for the position of Independent
               Board Committees, Directors, SC, P/CEO and Senior     Directors,  the  NRC  shall  also  evaluate  the  candidates’
               Management:-                                          character and judgment to discharge such responsibilities/
               (a)  Appointments, reappointments and removals.       functions as are expected from Independent Directors.
               (b)  Composition.                                (iii)  Recommend candidates to the Board for the appointments
               (c)  Performance evaluation and development.          and reappointments of Senior Management based on the
               (d)  Fit and proper assessments.                      fit and proper assessment.
          (ii)   Supporting the Board in overseeing matters relating to   (iv)  Assess annually the performance and effectiveness of
               the remuneration policy and packages for the Directors,   the Board, Board Committees and the contribution of
               SC members, P/CEO and Senior Management of the        each individual director in discharging their duties.
               Bank including various incentives or retention schemes   (v)   Assess the performance and effectiveness of the Senior
               implemented by the Bank.                              Management in discharging their duties including the
          The NRC comprises three (3) members (including the NRC     setting of appropriate performance target parameters for
          Chairman) majority of whom are INEDs and is chaired by an   each financial year.
          INED.                                                 (vi)  Oversee the succession planning framework for the
          The roles and responsibilities of the NRC are as follows:   Board and Senior Management.
          Nomination functions:                                 (vii)  Ensure all Directors undergo an appropriate induction
                                                                     programme and receive continuous training in order to
          (i)   Oversee the overall composition of the Board, Board   keep abreast with the latest developments in the industry.
               Committees and SC in terms of size, skill and the balance
               between Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors   (viii)  Oversee and recommend to the Board on the Human
               (“NINEDs”) and INEDs and recommend to the Board the   Capital policies and strategies, compensation and
               appropriate policy relating thereto.                  benefits policies/plans and the terms and conditions of
                                                                     service of the P/CEO and Senior Management.
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