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          STATEMENT OF


           Training Focus         List of Conferences/Seminars and Training Programmes
           Others                 •  Cyber Drill Exercise
                                  •  BNM Engagement Session with CEOs/Chairman of Insurance Companies/Takaful Operators and
                                    Insurance/Takaful Associations
                                  •  FIDE Forum Interview Session
                                  •  Multi Factor Authentication (“MFA”)
                                  •  Credit Risk Management System (“CRMS”)
                                  •  Meeting between BNM, Assistant Governor with CEOs and Chairmen’s of DFIs on Socialisation of
                                    Policy Document on Corporate Strategic Plan
                                  •  KPMG Webinar on Transfer Pricing War Stories
                                  •  Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2021
                                  •  MRT3 Alignment Workshop
                                  •  Bengkel Reklasifikasi Aset MKD
                                  •  Anti-Bribery Management System
                                  •  Deloitte Malaysia – Tax Highlights of Malaysia Budget 2022
                                  •  Ernst & Young – Changes in the Malaysian Transfer Pricing Landscape

          Board Effectiveness Evaluation                         PART 6: DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION

          The Board undertakes an annual evaluation on the effectiveness   The Bank believes in the importance of aligning pay and
          of the Board, Board Committees and of each individual Director   performance against the key strategic drivers of the Bank’s
          based on MOF’s guidelines and BNM’s CGPD to ensure the   long term growth, attracting and retaining high calibre and
          appointed Board members are able to contribute to the   qualified Directors with the necessary skills, qualifications and
          effectiveness  of  the  performance  of  the  whole  Board.  This   experience to have an effective Board.
          exercise is used as one (1) of the criteria for the reappointment
          of a Director.                                        The INEDs’ remuneration package is generally commensurate
                                                                with the expertise, skills, responsibilities and risks associated
          The performance evaluation form comprises assessment   with being a director of a financial institution. INEDs are
          on the Board, Board Committees, Self and Peer Evaluation   entitled to monthly director fees, meeting allowances and
          and Board Skills Matrix. It is designed to improve the Board’s   reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of their
          overall effectiveness as well as to draw the Board’s attention   duties as a director.
          to key areas that need to be addressed in order to maintain the
          cohesion of the Board despite its diversity.                A summary of the total remuneration of the Directors for
                                                                      the financial year ended 31 December 2021 is set out on
          The evaluation results will be presented and deliberated at the   page 167 of this Annual Report.
          NRC and thereafter, presented to the Board to enable the Board
          to identify its strengths, areas for improvement and potential   PART 7: COMPANY SECRETARY
          issues that need to be addressed.
                                                                The Board is supported by an experienced and licensed
          The Bank conducted its internal Board Effectiveness Evaluation   Company Secretary. The Company Secretary together with
          for financial year 2021. For financial year 2022, the Bank intends   the Corporate Secretarial Department is responsible for the
          to engage an external consultant to have a more balanced,   effective functioning of the Board and to provide guidance and
          independent and comprehensive assessment of the Board’s   advice to the Board on Corporate Governance related matters
                                                                and to facilitate dissemination of information between the
                                                                Board and Senior Management. The Company Secretary shall
                                                                keep confidentiality of the Bank’s affairs at all times.
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