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          significant anD sUbseqUent events

          (a)   Rating agencies, Moody’s Investors Service, Fitch Ratings and RAM Ratings have re-affirmed the Bank’s rating during their
               annual review as follows:
               Rating agencies          Date               Ratings

               Moody’s Investors Service  6 July 2021      Long-term Foreign Currency Issuer: A3
                                                           Senior Unsecured Rating: A3
                                                           Long-term Ratings (Exim Sukuk Malaysia Berhad): A3
                                                           Outlook: Stable

               Fitch Ratings            16 November 2021   Long-term Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating: BBB+
                                                           Support Rating: 2
                                                           Support Rating Floor: BBB+ Senior Unsecured
                                                           Notes: BBB+
                                                           Outlook: Stable

               RAM Ratings              13 January 2022    National Ratings (Long-term): AAA, (Short-term) : P1
                                                           ASEAN Ratings (Long-term): seaAAA, (Short-term) : seaP1
                                                           Global Ratings (Long-term): gA2, (Short-term) : gP1
                                                           Long-term Global Scale Rating (Exim Sukuk Malaysia Berhad): gA2(s)
                                                           Outlook: Stable

          There have been no significant adjusting events subsequent to the financial year ended 31 December 2021.

          aUDitOrs anD aUDitOrs’ remUneratiOn

          The auditors, Ernst & Young PLT, have expressed their willingness to continue in office.
          Auditors’ remuneration are disclosed in Note 29 (iv) to the financial statements.
          Signed on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the Directors.

          Dato’ Azman Mahmud                                                                       Dato’ Wong Lee Yun
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95