Page 92 - EXIM_AR2021
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          ShaRIah COmmITTEE’S REPORT

          Shariah Risk Management
          During the reporting period of 2021, the Bank has been continuously implementing more robust control measures in managing
          its Shariah non-compliance (SNC) risk in line with the Bank’s risk appetite strategy and metrics as approved by the Board of
          Directors (Board).

          For effective Shariah risk management, the EXIM Bank Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) System has been on-boarded in
          April 2021 to facilitate the Shariah risk profiling exercise which includes the Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA), Key Risk
          Indicator (KRI), Key Control Testing (KCT) and Loss Event Database (LED).

          To strengthen implementation of the Shariah compliance risk culture, governance, and risk monitoring in the 1st line of defence
          as risk taking units, the Designated Compliance and Operational Risk Officers (“DCOROs”) are appointed for managing the
          Shariah and operational risk drivers and activities, as well the root causes, controls, impacts and its corresponding inherent risks
          including the control effectiveness, residual risks, and mitigation action plans.
          Shariah Review & Shariah Audit

          In ensuring that the Bank’s Islamic business activities are conducted in conformity with the Shariah rules and in accordance with
          the regulatory requirements, the Bank’s Shariah Review has regularly assessed and evaluated the Bank’s business activities,
          product features and services offered by the Bank whilst Shariah Audit provides its independent assessment and assurance on
          overall compliance of the Bank’s operations, business, affairs, and activities with Shariah.
          During  the  year,  the  Committee  has  assessed  the  work  carried  out  by  Shariah  review  and  Shariah  audit.  Their  reports  were
          deliberated in the Committee meeting, where the findings become the basis for the Committee to form an opinion on its compliance
          with Shariah rules and principles, Shariah guidelines and rulings issued by the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia as
          well as Shariah decisions and resolutions made by the Committee.
          Shariah Training and Awareness
          During the year, Shariah Management Department in collaboration with Human Capital Management Division organized series
          of Knowledge Sharing Session (“KSS”) and training on the following topics in ensuring that the staff are continuously equipped
          with Shariah knowledge and awareness in line with SGPD requirements.

          i.  Foundation of Shariah & Islamic Finance Programme Foundation of Shariah & Islamic Finance Programme
          ii.  Ta’widh, Ibra’ and Rescheduling and Restructuring for Islamic Financing Facilities
          iii.  Knowledge Sharing Session: Shariah Non-Compliance Event & Ta’widh
          iv.  Knowledge Sharing Session: Rescheduling and Restructuring of Islamic Financing Facility
          v.  Knowledge Sharing Session: Procedures on Takaful Latest Update
          vi.  Understanding of Rebate (Ibra’) And Recovery According to Shariah Requirements
          vii. Computation of Bank’s Sale Price for Islamic Financing Facility
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