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160   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          21.  other PAYABLes AND ACCruALs
                                                                            Group                     Bank
                                                                        2022         2021        2022        2021
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
              Sinking fund and debt services reserve accounts         63,884       64,253      63,884       64,253
              Interest payable                                        62,049       39,586      62,049       39,586
              Amount due to Teraju*                                   54,197       53,214      54,197       53,214
              RCCPS dividend payables                                 75,606       59,241      75,606       59,241
              Others                                                  55,292       46,589      55,315      46,6064
                                                                     311,028      262,883     311,051      262,900

              *  This fund represents advances received from Teraju as collateral for loan to Bumiputera Exporters. Withdrawal of the fund is
                upon the borrower turning impaired up to a maximum of RM5,000,000 per borrower.

          22.   ProvIsIoN For CoMMItMeNts AND CoNtINGeNCIes

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
              Provision for commitments and contingencies                                      45,974       64,876

              Movements in the provisions for commitments and contingencies are as follows:

                                                                                   stage 2     stage 3
                                                                      stage 1    Lifetime eCL    Lifetime
                                                                    12-months    not credit    eCL credit
                                                                         eCL      impaired    impaired    total eCL
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
              At 1 January 2021                                       23,932       23,815      35,858       83,605
              Transferred to Stage 2 (Note 35)                          (141)        141            -            -
              Transferred to Stage 3 (Note 35)                             -         (436)        436            -
              Financial assets derecognised                           (12,677)     (1,080)          -      (13,757)
              Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 35)          9,801       (4,545)          -        5,256
              Modification to contractual cash flows of financial
                assets (Note 35)                                          (4)        (205)          -         (209)
              (Writeback)/Allowance during the year (Note 35)          (3,484)      1,548       (9,108)    (11,044)
              Exchange differences                                         -            -       1,025        1,025
              At 31 December 2021/1 January 2022                      17,427       19,238      28,211       64,876
              Transferred to Stage 1 (Note 35)                        11,533      (11,533)          -            -
              Transferred to Stage 2 (Note 35)                           (14)         14            -            -
              Transferred to Stage 3 (Note 35)                             -          (51)         51            -
              Financial assets derecognised                           (15,103)     (3,200)          -      (18,303)
              Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 35)          3,793       (3,132)          -         661
              Modification to contractual cash flows of financial
                assets (Note 35)                                           -         150            -         150
              (Writeback)/Allowance during the year (Note 35)          (3,364)       272          158       (2,934)
              Exchange differences                                         -            -       1,524        1,524
              At 31 December 2022                                     14,272        1,758      29,944       45,974
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167