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          76    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        77


                    Principle                                            Details

           Principle 4                 Frameworks,  guidelines,  procedures,  and  risk  limits  are  examples  of  risk  control
                                       mechanisms. They are aimed, among others, to ensure that each risk has a proper mitigation
           Effective risk control mechanism
                                       method and measurement, as well as being efficiently and effectively applied.
           Principle 5                 a.    The  Bank  is  responsible  for  ensuring  that  the  monitoring  and  reporting  systems  are
                                          properly implemented.
           Adequate system for monitoring   b.   The  Bank’s  risk  profiles,  as  well  as  any  substantial  risk  issues,  must  be  communicated
           and reporting
                                          on a regular basis to the Board and Senior Management.

           Principle 6                 As part of its risk management approaches, the Bank must develop an effective internal control
                                       review system, which includes independent evaluation and, when needed, the involvement
           Effective internal control review
                                       of internal or external audits.


         The  Bank’s  Risk  Management  Framework  provides  a  comprehensive  structure  for  developing  and  approving  risk  strategies,
         as well as managing risk governance, that is tailored to the Bank’s business activities and operations, taking into account our
         nature, scale and complexity.
         To ensure a consistent approach to risk management across the organisation, the Bank’s risk management culture is supported
         by its organisational structure. As such the Bank’s risk management culture includes the following characteristic:

         a.  The Board and Senior Management have clear roles and responsibilities in managing the Bank’s risks.
         b.    Roles and responsibilities of various committees and Senior Management that support the Bank’s risk management initiatives
             are clearly defined.
         c.    An independent risk management function with adequate authority, resources, and access to the Board that can provide an
             independent assessment of the Bank’s risk positions.
         d.    A strong risk management culture manifested by a shared understanding of risks at all levels of the organisation, as well as
             business and activity decisions are consistent with the Bank’s risk management strategy and risk appetite.
         The Bank’s overall risk governance structure as detailed below:

                                                   Board of Directors (Board)
                        The ultimate governing body, responsible for overall risk oversight and setting the appropriate
                                              governance structure and risk appetite.

                                                    Shariah Committee (SC)
                           Responsible for ensuring that the Bank’s Islamic banking and takaful business activities
                                              adhere to Shariah principles and rules.

                                                      Board Committee

                        Board Risk Committee (BRC)                         Board Credit Committee (BCC)
           Responsible  for  reviewing  the  risk  management  framework,  Responsible  for  reviewing  and  approving  the  credit  papers
           key risk policies, and risk appetite for Board’s approval, as well  related to loan/financing which have been recommended by
           as reviewing the risk reports and assessment which have been  the Management Credit Committee (MCC).
           deliberated at the Management Audit, Risk and Compliance
           Committee (MARCC), Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO)
           and Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC).
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