Page 89 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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            STATEMENT OF


            INTERNAL CONTROL                                       b)   Reviews  the  adequacy  and  comprehensiveness  of  the
                                                                      internal  audit  process,  scope  of  audit,  competency  of
            Internal  Control  is  defined  as  a  process,  performed  by     the auditors and the independence of the Internal Audit
            EXIM’s  Board  of  Directors,  management,  and  personnel,   function.  The  Audit  &  Assurance  Department  (AAD)
            designed to provide reasonable assurance of the achievement   reports  to  the  BAC,  performs  regular  reviews  of  the
            of the following objectives:                              processes to assess their effectiveness and highlights
                                                                      any  significant  risks  affecting  EXIM  Bank.  The  BAC
            •   The reliability and integrity of information.
                                                                      reviews  the  internal  auditor’s  auditable  areas  and
            •    Compliance  with  policies,  plans,  procedures,  laws  and   resources annually, via the Annual Audit Plan; and
                regulations and contracts.
                                                                   c)    Regularly  reviews  and  holds  discussions  with  the
            •   The safeguarding of assets.                           Management  on  actions  taken  to  address  lapses  in
                                                                      internal control and issues identified in reports prepared
            •   The economical and efficient use of resources.        by the internal auditors, external auditors, and regulatory
            •    The accomplishment of established objectives and goals
                for operations or plans.                           d)    Reviews  all  related  party  transactions,  and  audit  and
                                                                      non-audit  related  fees  proposed  by  the  Bank’s  external
            The Board recognises the importance of maintaining a
            sound  system  of  internal  control  and  risk  management
            practices, as well as good corporate governance. The Board   e)    Reviews  the  financial  statements  of  the  Bank  (half-yearly
            exercises  overall  responsibility  in  identifying,  evaluating,     and  annually),  preliminary  results  release  and  any  other
            and reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of the       formal  release  relating  to  its  financial  performance
            Bank’s  risk  management,  governance,  and  internal  control.   prior to escalation to the Board for approval to ensure
            The  Board  recognises  that  risks  cannot  be  eliminated     accuracy and appropriateness of the financial reporting.
            completely  and  as  such,  systems  and  processes  have
            been  put  in  place  to provide reasonable  and not  absolute   In  the  year  2022,  the  BAC  held  six  scheduled  meetings
            assurance  against  material  misstatement  of  financial     and three Special  BAC meetings  to discuss and deliberate
            information  or  against  losses  and  fraud.  The  Board  is  of   AAD’s  Annual  Audit  Plan  and  Internal  Audit  Reports,
            the  view  that  the  internal  control  framework  instituted     BNM Composite Risk Rating (CRR) Report, External Auditors’
            throughout   EXIM   Bank   is   sufficient   to   safeguard     Statutory  Audit  Plan  and  their  Report,  and  financial
            stakeholder’s  investments,  customer’s  interests,  and  EXIM   statements of the Bank.
            Bank’s  assets.  Reviews  are  continuously  carried  out  by
            the Bank to ensure effectiveness of the system.        AUDIT & ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT (AAD)

                                                                   AAD independently reviews the adequacy and integrity of
                                                                   the  systems  of  internal  control  in  managing  key  risk  and
            The  Board  Audit  Committee  (BAC)  was  established  to   reports accordingly to the Board Audit Committee (BAC) on
            further  strengthen  EXIM  Bank’s  internal  audit  processes,     every two months basis or more often as and when required.
            and therefore, meets regularly with the objective of assisting   Where  weaknesses  have  been  identified  as  a  result  of
            the  Board  in  managing  Bank’s  range  of  inter-related  risks  in   reviews,  improvement  measures  are  recommended  to
            an  integrated  manner.  The  key  responsibilities  that  the  BAC   strengthen  controls  and  follow-up  audits  are  conducted
            execute as established by the Board to ensure the integrity of   by AAD to assess the status of implementation thereof
            the systems of the internal controls are as follows:   by  Management.  In  addition,  the  BAC  also  meets  the
                                                                   Chief  Internal  Auditor  without  the  presence  of  Management
            a)   Reviews  the  adequacy  and  integrity  of  EXIM  Bank’s   staff at least once a year.
                internal control  systems and management  information
                system, including systems for compliance with applicable
                                                                   RELATIONSHIP WITH EXTERNAL AuDITOR
                laws,  regulations,  rules,  directives,  and  guidelines,
                as identified by the internal auditors, the external auditor,   The BAC has established an appropriate and transparent
                and regulatory authorities.                        relationship  with  the  external  auditor.  The  BAC  meets  at
                                                                   least once a year with the external auditor without the
                                                                   presence of the Management of EXIM Bank.
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