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          84    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        85



          In  line  with  the  Bank’s  Corporate  Strategic  Plan,  the  Bank  is  strengthening  sound  risk  management  practices  and  promoting
          good governance.

          In 2022, the Risk Management Division achieved the following major milestones and implemented the following initiatives:

          1.   Review of Approving Authorities and Authority Limits
              The Approving Authorities and Authority Limits (AA) is a compilation of authorised approving authorities, signatories and
             their respective limits approving financial and non-financial transactions as well as expenditures or activities within the Bank.
              The review considers the latest organisational structure of the Bank which prioritises operational efficiency of the Bank’s AA
             and activities, as well as the associated risk factors and control measures including the recommending party and approval
             authority. Additionally, the review addresses best governance practices to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

          2.   Review of Risk Appetite Metrics
              The  Risk  Appetite  Policy  (The  Policy)  governs  the  Bank’s  approach  to  establishing,  communicating  and  monitoring  risk
             appetite through policies, controls and mechanisms. The Policy also outlines the governance structure for overseeing the
             implementation and monitoring of the Bank’s risk appetite.

              The Bank’s risk appetite addresses major types of risk taking into account both the willingness and capacity to take on risk
             while considering the long-term financial capacity and ability to meeting obligations to stakeholders.

              To  comprehensively  manage  the  Bank’s  operating  dimensions  and  the  enterprise  risk  categories  identified  in  the  Risk
             Management Framework, the Bank is further streamlining its risk appetite metrics in accordance with the Bank’s Corporate
             Strategic Plan year 2023. This will allow for more granular monitoring and reporting of the risk appetite metrics.
          3.   Review of the Risk Management Framework

              The Risk Management Framework (the Framework) is an overarching risk management document for the Bank based on its
             mandated role as a government-owned Development Financial Institution (DFI) to promote reverse investment and export
             of  strategic  sectors  such  as  capital  goods,  infrastructure  projects,  shipping,  value  added  manufactured  products  and  to
             facilitate the entry of Malaysian companies to new markets, particularly to the non-traditional markets.

              The review is to include the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk and its definition.

          4.   Review of the Bank’s credit related documentations
              The Bank has reviewed and enhanced its credit risk policy and procedures for effective implementation across the organisation.

              The Credit Risk Policy (the Policy) is the governing Policy of the Bank’s credit management.
              The Credit Processes and Procedures (the Procedures) is a procedural document for the implementation of the Credit Risk
             Policy.  The  Procedures  review  was  to  provide  clarity  on  end-to-end  credit  processes  for  both  conventional  and  also  the
             Islamic processes and terminologies.

              The review and enhancement to the Procedures was approved at the Management Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee
             meeting and subsequently endorsed by the Shariah Committee.

              The  identification  of  Connected  Party  and  Politically  Exposed  Persons  (PEP)  has  been  clearly  defined  and  this  has  been
             reflected in the review of Bank’s Approving Authority and Authority Limits for the New & Review application.
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